[ckan-dev] Process proposal: use no fast-forward merges when merging to or from another branch (and esp to master)

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Mon Jan 2 16:38:53 UTC 2012


When merging from one branch to another (and especially when branch
feature/defect branches to master) use --no-ff to generate an explicit
merge commit. E.g.

git checkout master
git merge --no-ff {my-feature-branch}


One of the things I've found a little annoying with git is it's
"fast-forward" merges which mean you don't get a explicit merge commit
when merging from one branch to another. The lack of an explicit
commit makes it hard to see when changes got merged (and how they got
merged). Generating an explicit commit resolves this and makes the
situation more like mercurial.


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