[ckan-dev] DataStorer and preview troubleshooting

Jim Craner jim at codeforamerica.org
Mon Jul 30 17:42:18 UTC 2012

Thanks, guys... So I have a possibly related question that pertains to

When I do an API search call against the *working* CSV resource, the
returned JSON references what I presume is ElasticSearch stuff, namely
5 shards and this:

"_index": "ckan-data.cityofsantacruz.com"

in addition to the actual data returned.

Today while troubleshooting, I noticed that I'm getting several errors
in my ElasticSearch logs similar to this:

[2012-07-28 22:35:57,899][DEBUG][action.index             ]
[Gatecrasher] [ckan-data.cityofsantacruz.com][3],
node[t67o_ONdTLOlKEVkKqd-LQ], [P], s[STARTED]: Failed to execute
[index {[ckan-data.cityofsantacruz.com][2d4beb1b-80b5-4df4-a7ec-305bd3313ce4][smbshr.pl],

Now my question is -- where does "ckan-data.cityofsantacruz.com" from?
 I grepped my entire home directory (where I installed ElasticSearch,
CKAN, extensions, etc.) as well as /etc/apache2, /etc/supervisor,
everywhere else I could think of and I couldn't find *any* references
to that hostname -- or even the string "ckan-data" -- other than in
the logs.  Is that the "dynamically generated node name" that the ES
config file documentation is referring to?

I'm also wondering if host=FOOBAR in there is indicative of another problem :-)

Again, ElasticSearch, Solr, Nginx -- everything seemed to work just
fine on Friday when I demo'ed the Recline graphing functionality on
this server for some colleagues.  So I'm not sure what is now

Thanks again for any suggestions!

On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 10:18 AM, Rufus Pollock <rufus.pollock at okfn.org> wrote:
> Great debugging Jim. I've pinged David Raznick who knows the most
> about celery stuff and may have insight into this rather obscure
> behaviour.
> Rufus
> On 30 July 2012 18:04, Jim Craner <jim at codeforamerica.org> wrote:
>> I did some more testing based on past troubleshooting advice from this list...
>> So I can upload data via the API:
>> prompt$ curl -XPUT http://localhost/api/data/<resource_id>/1 -d
>> '{"test":"data"}' -H 'Authorization: <API key of my admin user>'
>> successfully replaces the CSV that was in that resource with the
>> "test, data" table and preview works, API calls against it work, etc.
>> So it seems that it's just when files are uploaded via the web
>> interface that no DataStore is being created.  My celery log is still
>> showing the "AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute
>> 'read'" error referenced in the pastebin I made
>> (http://pastebin.com/jtXUbvJx) but I can't tell if this is the
>> archiver or datastorer process or something else altogether.
>> Any suggestions greatly appreciated!
>> Thanks,
>> Jim
>> On Sun, Jul 29, 2012 at 9:19 PM, Jim Craner <jim at codeforamerica.org> wrote:
>>> <premature enter-hitting>
>>> Thanks for any advice you can suggest!
>>> -Jim
>>> On Sun, Jul 29, 2012 at 9:19 PM, Jim Craner <jim at codeforamerica.org> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I successfully had CKAN 1.7.1 running, including DataStorer storing
>>>> CSV resources and the ability to preview them with Recline.
>>>> I logged in today and resources that previously displayed previews
>>>> properly in Recline now show the Dreaded Pink Fail Bar of Doom.
>>>> I then tried to upload some new test CSV resources, including ones I'd
>>>> successfully uploaded and previewed before, and got the same thing.  I
>>>> checked the celeryd.log and it was yielding the following:
>>>> [2012-07-29 21:08:44,507: INFO/MainProcess] Got task from broker:
>>>> datastorer.upload[814f9861-a34c-4b4c-993f-f7c8358cd9b4]
>>>> [2012-07-29 21:10:04,677: ERROR/MainProcess] Task
>>>> datastorer.upload[814f9861-a34c-4b4c-993f-f7c8358cd9b4] raised
>>>> exception: AttributeError("'NoneType' object has no attribute
>>>> 'read'",)
>>>> I pasted the entire traceback from the celeryd.log here:
>>>> http://pastebin.com/jtXUbvJx
>>>> --
>>>> -----
>>>> Jim Craner, 2012 Fellow
>>>> Code for America
>>>> jim at codeforamerica.org
>>>> (+1) 773-809-4546
>>>> http://codeforamerica.org
>>> --
>>> -----
>>> Jim Craner, 2012 Fellow
>>> Code for America
>>> jim at codeforamerica.org
>>> (+1) 773-809-4546
>>> http://codeforamerica.org
>> --
>> -----
>> Jim Craner, 2012 Fellow
>> Code for America
>> jim at codeforamerica.org
>> (+1) 773-809-4546
>> http://codeforamerica.org
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> Co-Founder, Open Knowledge Foundation
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Jim Craner, 2012 Fellow
Code for America
jim at codeforamerica.org
(+1) 773-809-4546

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