[ckan-dev] Semantic.ckan.net

Ross Jones ross.jones at okfn.org
Fri Jun 22 09:10:09 UTC 2012


Just to let you know that  semantic.ckan.net is back and visiting http://semantic.ckan.net/sparql or http://semantic.datahub.io will now take you to the SPARQL endpoint for thedatahub.org/datahub.io.

The RDF is currently extracted from thedatahub.org every 24 hours (from the dump at http://datahub.io/dump/rdfexport.tgz) and imported into the Virtuoso instance that OpenlinkSW are kindly hosting for us. We may be looking at better integration soon so that it is easier to 'harvest' the RDF data, and so if this is something you may be interested in please let us know.

If you encounter any problems with the RDF serialization, or have any comments/thoughts on an extra potential serialization via JSON-LD in the future, please let us know. We're currently working on 1.8 and so now would be a great time to get any changes in rather than me trying to get serialization changes past the release police.



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