[ckan-dev] DatasetForm extension : has no member named resources

David Raznick kindly at gmail.com
Wed May 23 09:11:34 UTC 2012


Could I have more information on what you have implemented in the
IDatasetForm.  Could we see the code somewhere, the more information the
better as this could be lots of things and I have never seen it before.
Also a full traceback would be useful as I am sure where this error is

Anyway, this is probably the most complicated IDatasetForm


which may be handy as a guide.   From what you are saying it may correct to
copy lines 294 to 300 in this into your db_to_from schema.  However I am
not sure this sill sort out you problem without more information.



On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 2:13 PM, VENTURA Oceane <OCEANE.VENTURA at atos.net>wrote:

>  Hi,
> We are developping our own extension implementing IDatasetForm.
> When an user creates a dataset and goes to his own page, an error appears :
> UndefinedError: {'u'maintainer': u'', u'name': u'test1', 'isopen':
> <function callable at 0xb8aaae4>, u'author': u'', u'author_email': u'',
> u'notes': u'', u'title': u'test1', u'maintainer_email': u'', u'state':
> u'active', u'version': u'', u'url': u'', 'groups': [{u'title':
> u'Organization 1', u'id': u'5c1c76e3-7cdd-4c9d-9fc7-6339efbc21f4', u'name':
> u'organization-1'}], u'license_id': u''}
> has no member named "resources"
> What do I need to add to my schema.update() function to support dataset
> with or without resources?
> Thanks,
> *Océane VENTURA*
> Business Development & Innovation
> ATOS - Public Sector France
>  *oceane.ventura at atos.net*
> River Ouest,
> 80 quai Voltaire
> 95 877 Bezons Cedex
> www.atos.net
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