[ckan-dev] Datastorer: workaround for Kombu issue

BIHANIC Laurent laurent.bihanic at atos.net
Wed May 23 13:10:41 UTC 2012


Thanks, that fixed it.



Le 18/05/12 16:30, David Raznick a écrit :
> Hello,
> Scrap my previous email, there were still some issues with dependences that I
> did not spot thanks adria!
> Pull the latest version and run (in the ckanext-datastorer folder)
> pip install -Ur requires.txt
> to make sure all the versions are correct.
> Thanks
> David
> On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 11:18 AM, David Raznick <kindly at gmail.com
> <mailto:kindly at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hello
>     Try and pull the latest version of ckanext-datastorer and run
>     python setup.py develop on it.
>     I have reverted it to a version on kombu that worked
>     Thanks
>     David
>     On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 9:08 AM, BIHANIC Laurent <laurent.bihanic at atos.net
>     <mailto:laurent.bihanic at atos.net>> wrote:
>         Hi,
>         While installing the Datastorer with CKAN 1.7, it seems I've stumbled upon
>         Kombu's issue #127: Incorrect import of `virtual` from SQLAlchemy
>         backend (see
>         https://github.com/ask/kombu/issues/127).
>         It seems a fix was committed but I've not retrieved it.
>         Can someone tell me how to get it? Maybe by updating Datatorer's list of
>         required modules?
>         TIA,
>         Laurent

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