[ckan-dev] [ckan-discuss] VoID vocabulary integration

Keith Alexander keithalexander at keithalexander.co.uk
Thu May 24 09:40:16 UTC 2012

On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 10:01 AM, Ross Jones <ross.jones at okfn.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> On 24 May 2012, at 04:16, Keith Alexander wrote:
>> (Though if people find it useful, it would be better hosted elsewhere
>> long term. Could thedatahub.org host a service like this somehow,
>> hopefully incorporating ideas from mine and Tim's code?)
> With so many people implementing the same thing its probably wiser
> that it be a part of thedatahub.  I'm keen to get features like this
> implemented but the problem we have at present is finding the time
> to do it. I wonder whether this is something that could be implemented
> outside  of the core CKAN team, but as part of thedatahub so that it can
> happen sooner rather than later?
> Ross

What I did arose from a CKAN Skype telecon a whileback; I offered to
create that void import service (somehow as part of the LATC work I
was doing at Talis) with the vague idea that it could be hosted
somewhere, and thedatahub front end  could make use of it somehow.

Do you have any ideas on the best way for thedatahub to incorporate
this functionality (based on either mine, Tim's, or some new code)?
And what requirements are there for this to happen? (language,
framework, testing?)

I could imagine, for instance, a form, as part of the create and/or
edit dataset page(s) that lets the user enter a dataset URI, and
passes along the user's API key (with a hidden form field) and POSTs
to my PHP service, which then redirects the user to the dataset page.



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