[ckan-dev] DataStore config questions
laurent.bihanic at atos.net
Thu May 31 13:38:14 UTC 2012
I'm encountering the same problem Jim has : no way to get a preview of any
I have the same configuration (nginx as a front end to apache running CKAN 1.7
installed using the package installer)
Every time I add a resource to a dataset I get messages in celeryd.log :
[2012-05-31 15:04:00,671: INFO/MainProcess] Got task from broker:
[2012-05-31 15:04:00,765: INFO/MainProcess] Task
archiver.update[1fe739f5-5be4-4404-b53a-be22f326b991] succeeded in
0.074896812439s: None
[2012-05-31 15:04:01,516: INFO/MainProcess] Task
datastorer.upload[0890a4c9-1907-4722-b301-afddb3db01f1] succeeded in
0.827142000198s: None
Yet, no preview.
I tried the curl command you gave and got :
curl -XPUT
-d '{"test":"data"}' -H 'Authorization: ...'
<title>404 Not Found</title>
<h1>404 Not Found</h1>
The resource could not be found.<br /><br />
Any idea ?
Le 27/05/12 16:46, David Raznick a écrit :
> On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 1:49 PM, Jim Craner <jim at codeforamerica.org
> <mailto:jim at codeforamerica.org>> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm having some difficulties getting the DataStore feature working on
> my CKAN 1.7 / Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (package install) implementation. What
> I've done so far:
> * ElasticSearch is running on port 9200 (lynx localhost:9200 returns a
> json file with a 200 OK code and the ES version string)
> * I have nginx installed and running as a front-end for Apache2. I
> used this gist as my guide for this:
> https://gist.github.com/2637431
> Seems to be working fine -- nginx is running on 80, passing off to
> default CKAN apache on 8080.
> * I added the custom elastic snippet to the nginx.conf file
> referencing elasticsearch on localhost:9200
> * I set ckan.datastore.enabled =1 in my ckan .ini file.
> * I installed the latest version of ckanext-datastorer, supervisor,
> and set up the celery supervisor script
> -- At this point, am I missing something from the configuration?
> * I then uploaded a simple test.csv file resource into a test dataset,
> checking the DataStore/API option for the resource
> * When I visit the resource's page, the Preview section just displays
> a thin pink bar across the screen (immediately below the "Embed"
> button), just as it did before I enabled/config'ed the DataStore
> * When I visit <site>/api/data/<resource_id>/_search?size=5&pretty=true,
> I get the following message:
> "error": "IndexMissingException[[ckan-data] missing]",
> "status": 404
> It looks like the file upload has not worked. The index only gets created on
> the first successful command.
> The common error here is when uploading the file you are looking at the nginx
> instance on 80 not ckan-apache on 8080. Also make sure you add a new resource
> we currently do not reload when a resource changes.
> You could also try a simple test of the datastore with something like.
> curl -XPUT <site>/api/data/<resource_id>/1 -d '{"test":"data"}' -H
> 'Authorization: your-api-key'
> (making sure site is the nginx site)
> This will make a new record of id 1 against that resource. The search above
> and preview should work now, returning '{"test":"data"}'.
> If that does not work then it should give you some feedback at to why.
> If that does works then could you give me the output of celeryd as it should
> error if something has gone wrong with the upload.
> Thanks
> David
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Laurent Bihanic | Tel: +33 (0)1 73 26 12 92
Atos Systems Integration | GSM: +33 (0)6 25 73 03 74
80 quai Voltaire |
F-95870 Bezons | mailto: laurent.bihanic at atos.net
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