[ckan-dev] RFC: Activity streams on-site and email notifications

Sean Hammond sean.hammond at okfn.org
Thu Nov 1 14:16:43 UTC 2012

> When we go for the pull model, I would suggest that we use the
> following (package) structure:
> notifier/
>  - notifier.py
>  - notification.py
>  - notifiers/
>      - activity_stream.py
>      - general_announcements.py
>      - to_admins.py
>      - etc.
>  - methods/
>      - Email.py
>      - Twitter.py
>      - etc.
>  - presentations/
>     - email_activities.py
>     - email_general.py
>     - email_to_admins.py
>     - twitter_general.py

Thanks for this Sven. My main concern about this is that it's too much
code. I wonder if we can get away with something simpler. The minimal
core of a pull-based implementation seems to be:

1. Periodically loop over every user in CKAN.

2. For each user find any new activities. Requires storing the date of
   the last old activity per-user, new activities are defined as those
   newer than this stored date.

3. If there are any new activities then format an email subject and body
   for them (rolling all the new activities into a single email).

4. Send the email.

5. If the email was sent successfully, update the date of the last old
   activity for that user.

It might turn out differently when we try to actually implement it, but
I think there are two distinct modules here:

get_notifications(user_id, since)

    Returns a list of notifications, probably just dicts with keys 'to',
    'subject' and 'body', that need to be sent to the given user.

    `since` should be datetime of the last email notification that was
    successfully sent to this user.

    This would call dashboard_activity_list() for the user, filter the
    list to just those newer than since, then format an email subject
    and body for them.


    Try to send the given email notification and raise an exception if
    sending fails.


    The periodic job that loops over all users in CKAN.

    Calls get_notifications(user_id, since) for each user.
    This means that it needs to store `since` for each user somewhere.

    If get_notifications() returns any notifications for the user, loops
    over the notifications and calls send_notification(notification_dict)
    for each.

    If send_notification() returns successfully, updates `since` for
    that user.

The user's `since` time is slightly more complicated than shown, it
needs to be the time of the last successfully sent email notification
_or_ the last time the user viewed her activity stream on the site,
whichever is newer.

We can make this extensible. Note the get_notifications() just accepts a
`user_id` and `since` date and returns email dictionaries, there's
nothing in this interface that's specific to activity streams.
So we could one day extend get_notifications() to call multiple helper
functions _get_activity_streams_notifications(),
_get_general_notifications(), etc. and then just combine all the
notifications into one list and return them. But I don't think we should
do this now.

As for adding different methods of sending notifications, I think user
experience questions would need to be asked that would inform how we
might implement something like that. I definitely think we should leave
it out of the picture for now in terms of the code we write. But I think
this design can potentially be extended to handle that as well. We would
have to split get_notifications() and send_notification() into multiple
methods get_email_notifications(), get_twitter_notifications(),
send_email_notification(), send_twitter_notification(), etc. And we'd
have to consider whether we want to store separate `since` dates for
each method of notification, and think about how these interact with
each other.

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