[ckan-dev] Invitation Community-Workshop for the German Open Data Portal

Florian Marienfeld florian.marienfeld at fokus.fraunhofer.de
Thu Nov 15 11:03:54 UTC 2012

Hey CKAN-Community,

as you might have noticed we are developing the German Open Data Portal.
CKAN is part of that, because it's a remarkable piece of software, with
a vibrant community, and it nicely funnels the diversity of Open Data

This December 7th we are hosting a community workshop targetting that
portal. We present the state of progress and would like discuss matters
with Open Data developers. It will be mainly about integration with our
Liferay-CMS, Harvesting, especially CSW and social functions.

It would be great to welcome some CKAN hackers! Beware though :-) most
stuff is going to be in German.

Please check out the program and register free:

This event is joint with our 1st Open Data Dialog conference:

Let me take this opportunity to advertise our technical OD blog:
http://open-data.fokus.fraunhofer.de/?page_id=605 (English translations
coming soon)

Best regards, looking forward to meeting some of you,


Florian Marienfeld
Dipl.-Ing. Tech.-Inf.

Fraunhofer FOKUS
- CC Motion -
Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 31
10589 Berlin
+49 30 3463 7127

Lesen Sie hier den MOTION-Newsletter: http://s.fhg.de/motion-nl

Besuchen Sie die MOTION-Veranstaltungen: http://s.fhg.de/motion-events

Aktuell: 5. + 6. Dez. 2012 http://s.fhg.de/odd-2012
1st International Open Data Dialog
Potentials for Urban Innovation and New Businesses

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