[ckan-dev] JS error in recline.js on IE 8

Salvatore Altiero salvatore.altiero at linksmt.it
Fri Nov 16 12:06:12 UTC 2012

Hi all,

I’ve installed CKAN 1.7.1 on Ubuntu 10.4 from source code.


I’ve plugged in Datastorer support to enable data resource Preview.


The Preview feature is ok on Firefox 16 but on Internet Explorer 8 I’ve not
preview with this js error:


Messaggio: Previsto identificatore

Linea: 3206

Carattere: 23

Codice: 0

URI: http://opendata.comune.bari.it/scripts/vendor/recline/recline.js



Messaggio: 'recline' non è definito

Linea: 1569

Carattere: 7

Codice: 0

URI: http://opendata.comune.bari.it/scripts/application.js?lang=${c.locale}


Can you help me ?


Salvatore Altiero

Delivery Leader | Divisione PA & Industries
Links Management and Technology S.p.A.

Via R. Scotellaro, 55 - 73100 Lecce
Tel: +39 0832.443911 - Fax: +39 0832.443926
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e-Mail:  <mailto:salvatore.altiero at linksmt.it> salvatore.altiero at linksmt.it
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