[ckan-dev] CSW Harvesting from GeoPortal and GeoNetwork

Konrad Reiche konrad.reiche at gmail.com
Wed Nov 7 02:04:34 UTC 2012

Hi Ryan,

I had problems with the Error gathering the identifiers from the CSW 
server ['NoneType' object has no attribute 'find']  as well. Here is 
what worked for me:

Check what version you are using with

pip freeze | grep -i owslib

For me OWSLib 0.4.0 works, so I suggest you uninstall your current 
OWSLib installation with

pip uninstall owslib

and install the 0.4.0 version from the GitHub repository:

pip install -e git+https://github.com/geopython/OWSLib.git@0.4.0#egg=OWSLib

When I tred the latest version 0.5-dev the error stayed the same. I am 
using CKAN 1.8
and Harvest + Spatial [latest] as well.


Am 07.11.2012 2:40, schrieb Ryan Hodges:
> Hi all,
> I am trying to harvest spatial metadata using:
> Ckan [1.8]
> Ckanext-harvest [master]
> Ckanext-spatial [harvest-generic-iso]
> Python version 2.6
> Using the plugin:
> gemini_csw_harvester
> And in my config file:
> ckan.spatial.validator.profiles = iso19139
> With every site I try to harvest from, there seems to be another issue 
> preventing me from succeeding. I currently am not familiar enough with 
> the limitations of CSW harvesting to determine which of these are a 
> shortcoming of the source, which are a current limitation of CKAN 
> harvesting, and which are my own fault:
> When I harvest from a *GeoNetwork *site:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> url: http://apps.who.int/geonetwork/srv/csw
> status: /Gathering errors/
> -Error contacting the CSW server: '2.0.2'
> Harvested: 0
> WHY: Server is at version 2.0.1. Is harvesting from this version not 
> available?
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> url: http://www.fao.org/geonetwork/srv/en/csw
> status: /Object errors/
> -GUID 6fed4955-c0f4-49e6-aaf2-9475504dc6bc 
> <http://ckan.labs.ecotrust.org/harvest/object/8a4a345e-1ab7-4a3a-a89f-79ff4f548961>
> -Validating against "ISO19139 XSD Schema" profile failed:
> -Dataset schema (gmx.xsd) Validation Error: (u"Element 
> '{http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd}MD_SatelliteSpatialRepresentation': 
> This element is not expected. Expected is one of ( 
> {http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd}AbstractMD_SpatialRepresentation, 
> {http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd}MD_GridSpatialRepresentation, 
> {http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd}MD_VectorSpatialRepresentation, 
> {http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd}MD_Georeferenceable, 
> {http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd}MD_Georectified )., line 74",)
> Harvested: 10
> Why: As the error says, it doesn't recognize 
> MD_SatelliteSpatialRepresentation. Another error included a bad date-time.
> *NOTE:* This didn't work at first: the directory for ISO19139 
> validation did not exist in the python 2.6 egg:
> 'site-packages/ckanext_spatial-0.2-py2.6.egg/ckanext/spatial/validation/xml' 
> <- Does not exist
> I had to copy it in manually.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> When I harvest from a *geoportal* site:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> url: http://gptogc.esri.com/geoportal/csw
> status: /Gathering errors/
> -Error gathering the identifiers from the CSW server ['NoneType' 
> object has no attribute 'find']
> Harvested: 0
> Why: ???
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> url: http://geo.data.gov/geoportal/csw
> status: /Gathering errors/
> -Error gathering the identifiers from the CSW server ['\nAn exception 
> occurred with no applicable code\n']
> Harvested: 0
> Why:???
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> If anyone knows why these might be failing, what I could do to fix 
> them, or what might be fixed soon in the harvester to alleviate this, 
> please respond.
> Thanks,
> Ryan Hodges | Applications Developer | Ecotrust
> 721 NW 9th Avenue, Suite 200 . Portland, OR 97209
> *T*(503) 467.0800 | *F* (503) 222.1517 | www.ecotrust.org 
> <http://www.ecotrust.org/>
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