[ckan-dev] Organizations Merge

David Raznick david.raznick at okfn.org
Tue Sep 18 14:03:49 UTC 2012

Hello All

As my internet has been patchy, I also did a code review of the
organizations branch.  My take on the important to look at are.

*solr schema*

schema 1.4 should not be changed
I think we should we keep groups in the new schema.
If we are doing backwards compatible changes should we call
"organizations" "organization".

*package controller*

Auto make of packages for orgs not working due to comment. line 477
FIXME.  Looks like the error could be as simple as changing
organization__0__name to organizations__0__name but this needs sorting

Dodgy ignore_auth calls seem like a hack to make test work. (this
looks like the main blocker)


I think we should remove packages associated with organizations when
doing orgainzation_dictize and organization_save.
We are using IGroup controller still for orgs.
Helpers facet_titles deprecated but seen to have been brought back to life.

*validation schema*

remove packages completely from organization schema

*users form*

indentation incorrect users_form.html

*auth functions*

Would be good if this was thoroughly looked through to make sure we
are not doing anything very wrong.  Tests would not go a miss here.

All in all I think we should try and merge it, even though it makes
more of a mess of the code base.  I think that we can clean this up
possibly by getting rid of groups entirely.  It may have been a
mistake to make a new entity and just kept with groups and renamed
them organizations.  I do not think it was foreseen how much
duplication there would be.
I also think we have to live with the UI tests breaking the legacy_ui
tests even though it is a shame that Toby spent a lot of time making
sure they worked before the demo merge.



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