[ckan-dev] ckan-dev Digest, Vol 30, Issue 36

Ilia Gromislav igromislav at gmail.com
Tue Apr 16 18:23:50 UTC 2013

9. Link to who.ini<http://docs.ckan.org/en/latest/install-from-source.html#link-to-who-ini>

who.ini (the Repoze.who configuration file) needs to be accessible in the
same directory as your CKAN config file. So if your config file is not in
~/pyenv/src/ckan, then cd to the directory with your config file and create
a symbolic link to who.ini. e.g.:

ln -s ~/pyenv/src/ckan/who.ini

This step is excess. When You install CKAN 2.1 You have already had this
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