[ckan-dev] customize homepage ckan

Ralf user66 at arcor.de
Thu Dec 5 10:16:52 UTC 2013

Hi Hilde,

you should get familiar with "Theming" and templating:

You need to create your own template(s). The easiest and best way  
(even if it means writing code) is to create an extension. There are  
many examples available, which should be easy enough to start with,  
this one for example:


My basic extension also contains custom templates (but I haven't  
replaced the background image yet, which is on the ToDo list):


Zitat von Hildegard Gerlach <hildegard.gerlach at jrc.ec.europa.eu>:

> Dear all,
> I would like to add some cutomization to our CKAN home page without  
> too much commitment. I would like to something similar to
> http://data.codeforhouston.com/
> http://data.kk.dk/
> I am  not really confident in writing css and don't know where to start.
> Is there an easy way to at least substitute the placeholder.it and  
> background-tile.png ?
> Thanks
> Hilde

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