[ckan-dev] Harvestor extension for CKAN

Adrià Mercader adria.mercader at okfn.org
Thu Jan 17 09:57:29 UTC 2013

Hi Lasse,

Looking at the log that you send us a while ago, the problem seems to
arise from the datastorer extension, which as Toby suggested is
misusing the url_for_static function. That's why you find this issue
only in datasets with resources.
Can you disable it while we can look for proper fix?

  File "/var/lib/ckan/std/pyenv/src/ckanext-datastorer/ckanext/datastorer/plugin.py",
line 30, in notify
  File "/var/lib/ckan/std/pyenv/src/ckanext-datastorer/ckanext/datastorer/plugin.py",
line 42, in _create_datastorer_task
    'site_url': h.url_for_static('/', qualified=True),


On 16 January 2013 14:35, Lasse Vestergaard <ibbernik at gmail.com> wrote:
> By the way. I experienced all sorts of oddities when installing both CKAN
> and extensions. I have made a sheet where I have registered all the issues
> and how I managed to get over them. I might have done something completely
> wrong, but everything seems to work except harvesting datasets with
> resources attached. Here is a link to the sheet:
> https://github.com/okfn/ckan/wiki/Installing-CKAN-1.8-from-clean-Ubuntu-10.04
> /Lasse
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