[ckan-dev] Modify home page template

Thodoris Papadopoulos thodoris at thodoris.net
Mon Mar 11 17:21:51 GMT 2013

Hi all,

We are working with CKAN 2.0 beta , and we want to modify the home page in
order to display also the Organizations  (or the number of organizations).

I am trying to ovveride templates/home/index.html
and insert something like this (which is copied  from

{% for organization in *organizations* %}
        {% set first = loop.index0 % 3 == 0 %}
        {% set last  = loop.index0 % 3 == 2 %}
        {% snippet "organization/snippets/organization_item.html",
organization=organization, first=first, last=last %}
      {% endfor %}

but of course it will not work since *organizations *is coming from
page.items of page templates/index.html.

Is there any documentation on how all this works ?
How can we query and then display organizations / datasets from home page ?

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