[ckan-dev] Testing: a helper?

Sean Hammond sean.hammond at okfn.org
Tue Mar 5 10:00:03 UTC 2013

> I've been looking at the tests as I need to write a few.  Here is a
> possible approach, after some previous feedback
> https://gist.github.com/tobes/5081840
> The idea is to have a testing helper that means that we can write
> simpler tests more resistant tests.  Also having simple test classes
> not inheriting seems to be a good idea as trying to understand which
> code was being called did get complicated and some things got secretly
> cached which were hard to find.
> Currently things like the create test data just stuff things into the
> database rather than going through logic actions so the data may not
> match what would actually created.
> Also many tests are having to worry about creating the app and doing
> things like changing the config - this can all be simplified.
> Sean has suggested that this should be not a class but rather a bunch
> of helper functions - this could be done but then tests would need to
> ensure that things were reset but this would be a minor issue.
> It would be good to get more feedback on this.

Here's my thoughts on this, pretty much repeating what I said in the
(previous) gist and on irc:

I agree we should be using webtest for our functional tests.

I think this looks really promising, if we can just build them out of
calls to simple functions like create_user() etc and then asserts, the
functional tests should be really easy to read and write. I think we
should keep the tests themselves pretty high level, so they're almost
like user stories translated directly to unit tests, and almost
human-readable. Then developing a new feature could go: Idea -> User
stories -> Functional tests -> Implementation.

I think we should follow most of what the Pylons guide says about unit
tests (http://docs.pylonsproject.org/en/latest/community/testing.html)
in our functional tests: each test method only testing one thing, each
method being standalone, good method names that completely describe
the purpose of the test, etc.

Also from the Pylons guide, I think it's important for test modules to
be standalone and not contain too much cleverness or generic shared
code that obscures the tests, and a big part of this is not sharing
code between test modules.

One thing about functional tests (that's maybe different from unit
tests) is that they tend to do the same thing, e.g. creating a user,
hundreds or thousands of times across all the different functional
tests, most of the times creating the user is not what you're testing
just something you need first in order to get to your test, and each
time that's several lines of code, so having a shared function that
reduces that to one line of code each time is worth it. (The lines of
code saved can be ridiculous:

But I think we should limit it to a shared helpers module containing
functions, no classes, to reduce the potential for cleverness. In
Toby's example helper class there's already quite a bit of cleverness
creeping in and I think the temptation will mean that this only gets
worse over time.

Some other things:

I think helper methods need to be named really explicitly, e.g.
create_user_via_api() not create_user().

They should take params not dicts, I should be able to do
create_user_via_api(name='seanh', email='sean.hammond at okfn.org',
password='xxx'), this is much nicer than having to pass in a dict.

Toby's create_user() function lets you create a user passing only the
username and it'll generate an email and password for you. I think
this is bad as it obscures what the test code is actually doing. In
CKAN, the fact is that to create a user you have to give a username,
email and password, so the functional tests should reflect this

I don't like the _app, _sys_admin, _config and _original_config in the
helper class, I would let each test class deal with all this itself,
and just provide helper functions so that e.g. making a sysadmin is a
really simple and explicit one-liner.

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