[ckan-dev] backend write operations

Dominik Moritz dominik.moritz at okfn.org
Tue Mar 19 19:08:19 UTC 2013

Hi Pascal,

The ckan backend [1] does not support editing at the moment. The only ways to edit data in the datastore at the moment are the datastorer [2] and the API directly [3]. We haven't decided yet but there might be writing back end in the future [4].

Best wishes,

[1] http://okfnlabs.org/recline/docs/src/backend.ckan.html
[2] https://github.com/okfn/ckanext-datastorer
[3] http://docs.ckan.org/en/latest/datastore-api.html
[4] https://github.com/okfn/recline/issues/217

On 13 Mar 2013, at 08:52, p.romain at cg33.fr wrote:

> Hi Vitor,
> Thanks for your answer. How can I change to a different backend ?
> Cordialement,
> Pascal Romain
> Chef de projet informatique documentaire
> Service Projets Etudes Conseils
> Direction des Systèmes d'Information
> 05 56 99 33 33 poste 6643
> @datalocale
> <Mail Attachment.jpeg>
> De :        Vitor Baptista <vitor at vitorbaptista.com>
> A :        CKAN Development Discussions <ckan-dev at lists.okfn.org>
> Date :        12/03/2013 19:36
> Objet :        Re: [ckan-dev] backend write operations
> Envoyé par :        ckan-dev-bounces at lists.okfn.org
> Hi Pascal,
> You're using the DataProxy backend, which only supports read operations. If you want to be able to write as well, you have to change to another backend.
> Cheers,
> Vítor Baptista.
> 2013/3/12 <p.romain at cg33.fr>
> Hi,
> I am using version 1.7.2 and besides various problems for using the datastore and the data API, I noticed recently that I cannot perform any more write operations on data displayed by the recline library.
> Although I am editor (and even admin) of a dataset, when I want to edit a cell I have the "The backend only supports read operations" : How is it possible to modify this setting to be able to allow some users to edit a dataset ?
> Thanks,
> Pascal 
> @datalocale
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