[ckan-dev] jquery.fileupload progress bar

Steven Matchett gosefroba22 at gmail.com
Wed May 8 13:47:14 UTC 2013

I am trying to implement a progress bar for resource uploads.  After
reading the docs for blueimp's jQuery-File-Upload it showed that you need
to setup an event handler progress or progressall.  I have done that as
shown below, but the event is only being triggered after the upload has
been completed.

file - >

setupFileUpload : function() {
var options = this.options;

type : options.form.method,
paramName : options.form.file,
forceIframeTransport : true, // Required for XDomain request.
replaceFileInput : true,
autoUpload : false,
add : this._onUploadAdd,
send : this._onUploadSend,
done : this._onUploadDone,
fail : this._onUploadFail,
always : this._onUploadComplete,
progress : function(e, data) {
var prgrsPerc = parseInt(data.loaded / data.total * 100, 10);
progressall : function(e, data) {
var prgrsPerc = parseInt(data.loaded / data.total * 100, 10);
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