[ckan-dev] CKAN on top of Existing DBs

Vitor Baptista vitor at vitorbaptista.com
Fri Jul 18 23:46:21 UTC 2014

Making CKAN compatible with another database other than postgresql will be
a quite difficult journey. Even though we use sqlalchemy on many parts of
the code, there're quite a few where we use straight sql (e.g. the
datastore), which will need to be refactored.

I understand political issues where you're not allowed the use Linux or
other database, but in that case they'll need to pay a steep price to add
(and maintain) these changes. That might make it easier to negotiate (or

Or you can simply not use ckan, and try something like dkan.
Em 17/07/2014 20:24, "Ross Jones" <ross at servercode.co.uk> escreveu:

> I think I like the idea of a separate service that maps URLs to database
> queries and returns the data in one of several formats.  Might well also
> have a wider use.
> There was a very old project along these lines at
> https://github.com/okfn/webstore (in case anybody was wondering where the
> never used webstore_url field in the default resource schema -
> https://github.com/ckan/ckan/blob/master/ckan/logic/schema.py#L87 - came
> from ;) ). I’m not sure if it would be worth using as a starting point, but
> perhaps…
> Ross
> On 17 Jul 2014, at 18:13, Alessio Dragoni <alessio.dragoni at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>  Hi Steve,
> despite this is clearly a useful feature I believe it could be exposing to
> SQL injection.
> My suggestion is to build apart a sort of db table/query dump services
> using traditional ORM tools and then
> point to the services you have created with the proper type when creating
> the dataset resource.
> You can create the resource as URL with CSV/JSON/XML. etc. depending how
> the service is returning the data from your database.
> Exists already several tools that can be used to build quickly similar
> services.
> There's also the advantage that you can build suck dump/services with your
> preferred language/framework
> Alessio
> On 07/17/2014 06:56 PM, Rimar, Steve wrote:
> Ross – the way I would envision it is when adding a dataset there would be
> a 3rd option which would be Existing Database. You would then enter the
> database connection info depending on the type of DB similar to how
> database query tools work. Once the connection is entered you would have
> the option to browse and select tables or schemas or enter SQL.
>  For the user who is looking at the dataset in CKAN they would be able to
> preview a snapshot of the data similar to how the preview works for CSV
> files.
>  The data would not be imported into CKAN as this would defeat the
> purpose. CKAN would just store the connection info and the tables/schemas
> or custom SQL.
>  Do you know if this would be possible to develop? Has anyone been
> creating plug-in for this?
>  -Steve
>   From: Ross Jones <ross at servercode.co.uk>
> Reply-To: CKAN Development Discussions <ckan-dev at lists.okfn.org>
> Date: Thursday, July 17, 2014 at 2:58 AM
> To: CKAN Development Discussions <ckan-dev at lists.okfn.org>
> Subject: Re: [ckan-dev] CKAN on top of Existing DBs
>   It’d be really useful to have some user stories for this I think. For
> instance, what does the user provide instead of a file or URL? Is it an
> ODBC connection string and a query? How would it safely handle
> authentication with the DB?
>  Perhaps it would be better for the user to provide an OData endpoint url
> when creating a resource?  Or a separate simple flask app that does the
> DB->CSV conversion for display (and perhaps allows you to specify a query
> in the preview?).
>  At the moment, although I understand the high level request, I’m not
> really sure how you envision it working.  I can’t see why it can’t be built
> though (other than not being very clear) particularly if you can provide
> the data via a URL.
>  Ross
>  On 16 Jul 2014, at 19:54, Rimar, Steve <srimar at qualcomm.com> wrote:
>  Hi - we're trying to use CKAN for our organization’s data registry and
> were wondering how we would use this on top of existing datasets that are
> in databases such as Oracle or SQL Server? When you add a dataset in CKAN
> you have 3 options: File, Link or API. Looks like there's an option missing
> for Database or JDBC/ODBC? Is this available as an add-on or plug-in? Can
> we build this out ourselves if not?
>  Thanks,
> Steve
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