[ckan-dev] file store api problems

Sasha Cuerda scuerda at ctdatahaven.org
Wed Jun 11 13:30:18 UTC 2014

Hello all,

I am trying to set up some R scripts to upload files our ckan file store.

Using the httr package

 POST(uploadResource,  config=add_headers(Authorization =

Throws a 400 code with the following error;

 Status: 400
  Content-type: application/json;charset=utf-8
"Bad request - JSON Error: Error decoding JSON data. Error:
JSONDecodeError('Expecting value: line 1 column 2 (char 1)',) JSON data
extracted from the request:
form-data; name=\"upload\"; filename=\"test.jsonC\"\\r\\nContent-Type:
application/octet-stream\\r\\n\\r\\n[\\n{  ...

I suspect that the problem hear has to do with how httr is double escaping,
but I'm not sure how to fix that.

When I switch my code to

POST(uploadResource,  config=add_headers(Authorization =
          body =

I get a different error

Status: 409
  Content-type: application/json;charset=utf-8
{"help": "Appends a new resource to a datasets list of resources.\n\n
 :param package_id: id of package that the resource needs should be added
to.\n    :type package_id: string\n    :param url: url of resource\n
 :type url: string\n    :param revision_id: (optional)\n    :type
revisiion_id: string\n    :param description: (optional)\n    :type
description: string\n    :param format: (optional)\n    :type format:
string\n    :param hash: (optional)\n    :type hash: string\n    :param
name: (optional)\n    :type name: string\n    :param resource_type:
(optional)\n    :type resource_type: string\n    :param mimetype:
(optional)\n    :type mimetype: string\n    :param mimetype_inner:
(optional)\n    :type mimetype_inner: string\n    :param webstore_url:
(optional)\n    :type webstore_url: string\n    :param cache_url:
(optional)\n    :type cache_url: string\n    :param size: (optional)\n
 :type size: int\n    :param created: (optional)\n    :type created: iso
date string\n    :param last_modified: (optional)\n    :type last_modified:
iso date string\n    :param cache_last_updated: (optional)\n    :type
cache_last_updated: iso date string\n    :param webstore_last_updated:
(optional)\n    :type webstore_last_updated: iso date string\n    :param
upload: (optional)\n    :type upload: FieldStorage (optional) needs
multipart/form-data\n\n    :returns: the newly created resource\n
 :rtype: dictionary\n\n    ", "success": false, "error": {"__type":
"Validation Error", "url": ["Missing value"]}}

If I change to

POST(uploadResource,  config=add_headers(Authorization =
          body =

I get a success response, but the attached resource is a pointer to the
dummy url that I included. In the ckan interface it looks like a file was
uploaded, but if I click on it, I get a sad face.

Any thoughts?

I am able to use the python requests library and post the code easily, but
I am hoping to find a native R solution as large chunks of my workflow are
already set up in R.


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