[ckan-dev] Solution: key/value resource translations

Isabel Ruiz isaruizmellado at gmail.com
Tue Mar 18 13:33:54 UTC 2014

Hi everyone!

I have CKAN 2.0

I have detected this on resource details page (file:

If you click on "Aditional Information / Show More" link, CKAN shows
key/value pairs from resource, this is because there is a for loop into
resource_read.html file that shows them, but texts never is translated.
This is because it has not correct tags in resource_read.html file.

To solve this we have to replace in resoucr_read.html line:

          <tr class="toggle-more"><th scope="row">{{ key }}</th><td>{{
value }}</td></tr>
        <tr class="toggle-more"><th scope="row">{{ _(key) }}</th><td>{{
_(value) }}</td></tr>

and write translations keys and values on translation file.

Isabel M. Ruiz Mellado
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