[ckan-dev] Convert a dictionary to/from extras

Khalegh Mamakani khalegh at highwaythreesolutions.com
Mon Mar 3 18:38:05 UTC 2014

I have the following in my schema definition : 

def contacts_form_schema():
    schema = {
              'name' : [convert_from_extras, ignore_missing],
              'email' : [convert_from_extras, ignore_missing],
              'delete' :[convert_from_extras, ignore_missing]
    return schema

def contacts_db_schema():
    schema = {
              'name' : [ignore_missing, convert_to_extras],
              'email' : [ignore_missing, convert_to_extras],
              'delete' :[ignore_missing, convert_to_extras],
    return schema

def create_package_schema(self):
    schema = super(EDC_DatasetForm, self).create_package_schema()
                   'contacts' : contacts_db_schema(),
    return schema
def show_package_schema(self):
    schema = super(EDC_DatasetForm, self).show_package_schema()
                   'contacts' : contacts_form_schema(),

When creating a dataset, I get for example (‘contacts’, 0, ’name’) as the key for convert_to_extras. However, when showing the dataset, I don’t get the same key for convert_from_extras. Any idea how to get this working? There must be way of doing this because it works for resources when converting fields to/from extras.


On Mar 3, 2014, at 8:45 AM, Khalegh Mamakani <khalegh at highwaythreesolutions.com> wrote:

> Hi everybody,
> I want to add a dictionary of data like contacts : {‘name’ : …., ‘email’ : …} to a dataset.
> Does anybody know how to define dataset schema so that I can convert the dictionary data to extras and when showing the dataset convert it from extras?
> Thanks,
> Khalegh

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