[ckan-dev] Backup problems using paster db dump with spatial extension

David davisoski at gmail.com
Fri Oct 17 10:01:51 UTC 2014

Hi, Adriá.

Before doing what you suggest I'm installingckanext-spatial - Geo 
related plugins for CKAN in another server to make some tests.

I'm using this link
like I did first time I installed ckanext-spatial

To install previosly version (in Internet) I applied the permissions you 

ALTER TABLE spatial_ref_sys OWNER TO ckan_default;
ALTER TABLE geometry_columns OWNER TO ckan_default;

so I  think its correct (I always use package install, the only thing I 
change is password is postgresql) and there is anything to change.

I don't know exactly what to do:

Replace ckan_db and ckan_default with your db and user name and try
the db dump again.

db and user name are the same in package install, or am I wrong?


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