[ckan-dev] mounting CKAN at a non-root URL

Giuliano Veronese - Provincia di Pordenone veronese at provincia.pordenone.it
Tue Aug 11 10:23:21 UTC 2015

Hello everyone,
I have this problem: I have installed CKAN 2.2a with apache2 and 
mod_wsgi (apache.wsgi).
CKAN work correctly with redirection set in the configuration file 
called "ckan" (etc/apache2/sites-availables/ckan) with ProxyPass / 
http://localhost:5000 and ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:5000.
Now I would like to move the installation in a subdirectory, type: 
http://ckan.somedomain.it/ckan (and no longer http://ckan.somedomain.it/).
I tried changing the line "WSGIScriptAlias / 
/etc/ckan/default/apache.wsgi" to
"WSGIScriptAlias /ckan /etc/ckan/default/apache.wsgi", but not working.
How to do? Some idea?
Thank you in advance


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