[ckan-dev] problem with spatial previews
Armin Retterath
armin.retterath at gmail.com
Fri Aug 14 10:28:05 UTC 2015
hi matt,
here is my new vhost for ckan :
it uses mod_proxy to go to another host behind. on this host locally the
spatial extensions have no problem, but behind the proxy the
spatialextensions (viewers) are not shown? do they need further
configuration behind a apache proxy?
thanx in advance
2015-08-13 16:30 GMT+02:00 Armin Retterath <armin.retterath at gmail.com>:
> hi matt,
> i activated a proxy - for each url path i know :-( :
> (dataset/organization/css/js/ ....) for testing:
> http://www.gdi-rp-dienste.rlp.de/ckan/
> but the ol and leaflet clients are not shown - under it work as
> expected :-)
> armin
> 2015-08-13 16:04 GMT+02:00 Matthew Fullerton <matt.fullerton at gmail.com>:
>> Then I'm afraid I'm out of ideas...
>> On 13 August 2015 at 15:00, Armin Retterath <armin.retterath at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> the env vars are set - there is nor problem when running with paster -
>>> but as wsgi :-(
>>> 2015-08-13 15:43 GMT+02:00 Matthew Fullerton <matt.fullerton at gmail.com>:
>>>> I'm not 100% sure I understand the question, but I think you just have
>>>> to set the linux environment variables http_proxy and https_proxy in
>>>> /etc/environment.
>>>> On 13 August 2015 at 14:40, Armin Retterath <armin.retterath at gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> hi matt,
>>>>> i installed some things to get the site available from www. the main
>>>>> problem is now, that ckan don't have the proxy environment activated
>>>>> (connections are only available over proxy) if it runs over wsgi mode - do
>>>>> you know how to setup the environment for this installation?
>>>>> armin
>>>>> 2015-08-13 12:56 GMT+02:00 Matthew Fullerton <matt.fullerton at gmail.com
>>>>> >:
>>>>>> Hi Armin,
>>>>>> A problem in general with a lot of your links is that they require
>>>>>> extra URL parameters. In its current form, the geo-view wants to truncate
>>>>>> the link and then add the SERVICE and REQUEST itself, which is not enough
>>>>>> to get data from your geoserver(s). I just experimented with the code to
>>>>>> get it to preserve additional parameters. It worked, but its experimental
>>>>>> :-)
>>>>>> I did manage to find a RLP link that "worked" in CKAN, via the RLP
>>>>>> open data portal:
>>>>>> When you exchange WMS for WFS, it works. But WFS gives me the same
>>>>>> error as I always get about "uncaught exception: Can't find a
>>>>>> WFSCapabilities parser for version 2.0.0". So I'm not making any progress
>>>>>> here.
>>>>>> When you are able to, send me a WFS link that "works" in your CKAN in
>>>>>> the sense that you get the transform error but not the parser error.
>>>>>> I'll try and clean up my code for preserving the extra parameters and
>>>>>> submit a pull request.
>>>>>> I didn't write open layers, open layers helper or geo-view extension,
>>>>>> so I can't answer your question about transforms. My understanding was that
>>>>>> because WFS is vector data open layers has the ability to shape it to a
>>>>>> base map.
>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>> Matt
>>>>>> On 12 August 2015 at 14:42, Armin Retterath <
>>>>>> armin.retterath at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> http://mapserver.lgb-rlp.de/cgi-bin/erdbeben?&request=GetCapabilities&VERSION=1.1.0&SERVICE=WFS
>>>>>>> but we have hundreds of wfs in our geoportal ;-)
>>>>>>> http://www.geoportal.rlp.de
>>>>>>> if you need another link, please ask - ckan 2.4 was able to request
>>>>>>> the caps and show the featuretypes as layers in the ol client - only the
>>>>>>> get feature request has the problem with the wrong crs
>>>>>>> armin
>>>>>>> 2015-08-12 15:31 GMT+02:00 Matthew Fullerton <
>>>>>>> matt.fullerton at gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>> Can you send me the WFS link? Is it open? It would be interesting
>>>>>>>> to have a link which doesn't have the XML problem, in which case it could
>>>>>>>> of course be that there are further problems!
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Matt
>>>>>>>> On 12 August 2015 at 13:56, Armin Retterath <
>>>>>>>> armin.retterath at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> you can see the message in firebug. also the wfs response is there
>>>>>>>>> and the server gives an exception for the epsg:3857. the problem is, that
>>>>>>>>> my installation is in our intranet and not available in the www already
>>>>>>>>> (i've got the same problem as it was on the list today - proxying is not
>>>>>>>>> possible, because ckan don't react on the site_url definition :-( )
>>>>>>>>> i can give you further information tomorrow ;-)
>>>>>>>>> thanx
>>>>>>>>> armin
>>>>>>>>> 2015-08-12 12:52 GMT+02:00 Matthew Fullerton <
>>>>>>>>> matt.fullerton at gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>>>> My problem so far was that OpenLayers said it couldn't cope with
>>>>>>>>>> that version of the XML standard. Where in the code do you see the demand
>>>>>>>>>> for 3857? There was a similar issue with the WMS code. However, for WFS I
>>>>>>>>>> would have though that it should be less of a problem as the data can be
>>>>>>>>>> transformed.
>>>>>>>>>> -Matt
>>>>>>>>>> On 12 August 2015 at 11:38, Armin Retterath <
>>>>>>>>>> armin.retterath at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> hi matt,
>>>>>>>>>>> the wfs may have a problem with the requested crs - the client
>>>>>>>>>>> demands epsg:3857 but most services support only 4326 - maybe we have to
>>>>>>>>>>> alter the default crs in the ini file?
>>>>>>>>>>> best regards,
>>>>>>>>>>> armin
>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-08-12 11:59 GMT+02:00 Matthew Fullerton <
>>>>>>>>>>> matt.fullerton at gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>>>>>> I can confirm that WFS does not work.
>>>>>>>>>>>> KML, GeoJSON and WMS should all be working:
>>>>>>>>>>>> KML:
>>>>>>>>>>>> https://smartlane.io/dataset/different-geo-visualizations/resource/06df2d49-5920-42e8-b73d-860aeea823a8
>>>>>>>>>>>> GeoJSON works but I recommend you use the GeoJSON view
>>>>>>>>>>>> installed with ckanext_geoview and not the openlayers view.
>>>>>>>>>>>> https://smartlane.io/dataset/different-geo-visualizations/resource/d31fcbfb-6611-48b5-91f4-630553316521
>>>>>>>>>>>> WMS:
>>>>>>>>>>>> https://smartlane.io/dataset/different-geo-visualizations/resource/045d88a8-6a1e-4f41-b23c-fa5efa549d34
>>>>>>>>>>>> Regarding WMS take a look at the URL on the example page to
>>>>>>>>>>>> check you are putting something sensible in. There is a request to
>>>>>>>>>>>> visualize individual layers (
>>>>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/ckan/ckanext-geoview/issues/22)
>>>>>>>>>>>> And in general, it's worth installing the extension from the
>>>>>>>>>>>> latest master code on GitHub and not from pip.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Matt
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 12 August 2015 at 10:45, Armin Retterath <
>>>>>>>>>>>> armin.retterath at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> hi sol,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> i solved the issue by activating the view in the frontend -
>>>>>>>>>>>>> maybe the docu is not quiet clear :-( .
>>>>>>>>>>>>> i thought, that the default view will sufficient - but
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ckan.views.default_views setting don't activate the views for the resource
>>>>>>>>>>>>> automatically :-( - i had to activate it in the frontend for each view - is
>>>>>>>>>>>>> this realistic?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> another problem is, that the wms preview don't work as it
>>>>>>>>>>>>> should do. the layers are directly requested with the url of the that is
>>>>>>>>>>>>> defined in the resource. this is not right. first the GetCapabilities
>>>>>>>>>>>>> request has to be done and the GetMap url has to be extracted. with this
>>>>>>>>>>>>> url the map can be invoked correctly. i 've done a adoption for the code
>>>>>>>>>>>>> two years ago. maybe i find it and can give it back to the list.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> also simple wfs are not supported - i tested
>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://mapserver.lgb-rlp.de/cgi-bin/erdbeben?&request=GetCapabilities&VERSION=1.1.0&SERVICE=WFS
>>>>>>>>>>>>> i also tested kml and geojson preview with follwoning urls:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.geoportal.rlp.de/mapbender/php/mod_GetPublishedData.php?wmc_id=13986&outputFormat=geojson
>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.geoportal.rlp.de/mapbender/php/mod_GetPublishedData.php?wmc_id=13986&outputFormat=kml
>>>>>>>>>>>>> but the resource is not shown on the map :-( - maybe s.o.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> knows the problem.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> thanx in advance,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> armin
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-08-12 4:23 GMT+02:00 李承錱[Sol] <u103133.u103135 at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Armin:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm using CKAN 2.4.0 and ckanext-geoview without any problems.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Is there any error in the log file?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And, do you specify the correct format name in the resource
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> metadata ("geojson" for geojson resources and "wms" for wms resources)? The
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> format column for resource is required to decide the available views.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To get the spatial search, you should still install the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ckanext-spatial
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://ckanext-spatial.readthedocs.org/en/latest/install.html>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> extension and follow the guide
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://ckanext-spatial.readthedocs.org/en/latest/spatial-search.html>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to set up it. The ckanext-geoview is only for previewing spatial resources.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sol
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-08-10 23:22 GMT+08:00 Armin Retterath <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> armin.retterath at gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hi matt,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thanx for the info.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i set now set following definitions:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ckan.plugins = stats geo_view text_view datastore image_view
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> resource_proxy
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ckan.views.default = image_view geo_view
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ckan.spatial.srid = 4326
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ckanext.geoview.ol_viewer.formats = wms kml geojson
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but nothing happens .-( . before i activated both plugins -
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> also nothing happens. neither the spatial_metadata nor spatial_query had
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any effect on the portal - do i have to do more configuration? maybe
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> activate a spatial search widget as it was so in 1.8.1b - which i tested
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> some years ago?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i need a spatial search widget and options to view wms,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> geojson and maybe use wfs.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - or should i go directly to 2.5a - is there a compatibility
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> list for the spatial extensions? can they be activated parallel?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thanx in advance,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> armin
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-08-10 12:20 GMT+02:00 Matthew Fullerton <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> matthew at smartlane.de>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Armin,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Are you using ckanext-geoview or ckanext-spatial?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> For the WMS viewer I think you need to specify which file
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> types you want to offer previews for, e.g.:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ckanext.geoview.ol_viewer.formats = wms kml
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/ckan/ckanext-geoview#openlayers-viewer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In general, and specifically for the GeoJSON problem, check
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that the file formats are set for the resource. I think it needs to be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'geojson' for a GeoJSON file and 'wms' for the WMS resource.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Matt
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Projekt SMARTLANE*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> matthew at smartlane.de <florian at smartlane.de>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> T +
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> F +
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www.smartlane.de
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> EXIST-Gründungsvorhaben „Tapestry“
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> c/o Lehrstuhl für Verkehrstechnik
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Technische Universität München
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Arcisstraße 21
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 80333 München
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Technologie
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> aufgrund eines Beschlusses des Deutschen Bundestages.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Von:* ckan-dev <ckan-dev-bounces at lists.okfn.org> im
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Auftrag von Armin Retterath <armin.retterath at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Gesendet:* Freitag, 7. August 2015 12:07
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *An:* CKAN Development Discussions
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Betreff:* [ckan-dev] problem with spatial previews
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hello together,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i freshly installed ckan 2.4.0 with the spatial extensions
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on an debian 8 environment (including datastore).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the frontend the options for show wms, geojson, ... are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not displayed :-( .
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it seems to be, that ckan don't find the plugins?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> here are my entries in the development.ini:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ckan.plugins = stats text_view datastore image_view
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> recline_view spatial_metadata spatial_query geo_view geojson_view
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> resource_proxy
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # Define which views should be created by default
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # (plugins must be loaded in ckan.plugins)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ckan.views.default_views = ckanext-geoview geojson_view
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> geo_view image_view text_view recline_view recline_map_view
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thanx in advance
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> armin
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