[ckan-dev] mounting CKAN at a non-root URL

Nigel Babu nigel at nigelb.me
Sat Aug 15 03:20:51 UTC 2015

To everyone on this thread, the problem you're all hitting is the same. if you want your ckan site on somedomain.com/ckan, you need to set `site_url = http://somedomain.com/ckan`. Giuiliano, I notice that your site_url isn't set correctly. If you have set it correctly in the config, perhaps you need to restart Apache for the setting to take effect.

On Fri, Aug 14, 2015, at 08:33 PM, Hildegard Gerlach wrote:
> Hello,
      we also would like to run CKAN at a non-root URL. I think we have
      a similar configuration as Giuliano.
      We are using supervisord to run Ckan with the paster command, but
      I don't think this makes any difference to the problem.
      ---------------------------- extract of superisord.conf
      command=/Ckan/ckan_home/ckan_env/bin/paster serve
      and ckan.conf
              ProxyPass        / http://localhost:5000/ retry=1
      acquire=3000 timeout=600 Keepalive=On
              ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:5000/
      I tried what has been described in this thread, but I didn't
      succeed to get it working as it should.
      It is also not clear to me where data-site-root can be configured.
      Changing it in base.html doesn't work.
      Would it be possible to get a documentation how to install (or
      move) Ckan on a non-root URL ? It would be appreciated.
      Thanx in advance
      On 8/14/2015 11:08 AM, Armin Retterath wrote:
>> hello together,
>> i now got another subdomain:
>> opendata.geoportal.rlp.de
>> but the viewers are not shown any longer?????
>> on the real server the viewer are shown without any
>> on apache proxy_http get port 5000 to 80 and on
            the front server the same module is used to transfer the
            requests so the ckan server ???
>> thanx in advance
>> armin
>> 2015-08-14 9:40 GMT+02:00 Giuliano
          Veronese - Provincia di Pordenone <veronese at provincia.pordenone.it>:
>>> Hello
            thank you for your answer.
            I can not link you the site because it is offline (virtual
            machine for experiments).
            This is the output you asked:
            {"Help": "Return a dictionary with information about the
            site's configuration.", "Success": true, "result":
            {"ckan_version": "2.1a", "site_url": "http: //catalog.data
            .gov "," site_description ":" "," SITE_TITLE ":" Data.gov
            "," error_emails_to ":" catalog-notification at googlegroups.com
            "," locale_default ":" en "," extensions ": [" geodatagov
            "," datagov_harvest "," geodatagov_geoportal_harvester ","
            z3950_harvester "," arcgis_harvester ","
            waf_harvester_collection "," geodatagov_csw_harvester ","
            geodatagov_doc_harvester "," geodatagov_waf_harvester ","
            spatial_metadata "," spatial_query "," resource_proxy ","
            spatial_harvest_metadata_api ", "recline_preview",
            "pdf_preview", "googleanalytics", "SAML2", "datajson",
            "datajson_harvest", "archiver", "qa", "ckan_harvester",
            "report", "broken_link_report", "datagovtheme", "extlink
            I send you the contents of ckan file
            <VirtualHost *:80>
                    ServerAdmin webmaster at localhost
                    DocumentRoot /var/www
                ProxyPass        /geoserver   http://localhost:8090/geoserver
                    ProxyPassReverse /geoserver http://localhost:8090/geoserver
                    ProxyPass        /mapstore http://localhost:8081/mapstore
                    ProxyPassReverse /mapstore http://localhost:8081/mapstore
                    ProxyPass        /mapstore 
                    ProxyPassReverse /mapstore 
                    ProxyPass        /geostore 
                    ProxyPassReverse /geostore 
                    ProxyPass        /http_proxy
                    ProxyPassReverse /http_proxy
                    ProxyPass        /geonetwork http://localhost:8082/geonetwork
                    ProxyPassReverse /geonetwork http://localhost:8082/geonetwork
                    ProxyPass        /ckan http://localhost:5000
                    ProxyPassReverse /ckan http://localhost:5000
                    <Directory />
                            Options FollowSymLinks
                            AllowOverride None
                <Directory /var/www/>
                            Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
                            AllowOverride None
                            Order allow,deny
                            allow from all
            ### Abilitare FCGI http://httpd.apache.org/mod_fcgid/mod/mod_fcgid.html
               # FcgidMaxRequestsPerProcess should be <=
               # The example PHP wrapper script overrides the default
            PHP setting.
                FcgidMaxRequestsPerProcess 10000
               # Uncomment the following line if cgi.fix_pathinfo is set
            to 1 in
               # php.ini:
               # FcgidFixPathinfo 1
                Alias /phpapp/ /usr/local/phpapp/
              <Location /phpapp/>
                AddHandler fcgid-script .php
                Options +ExecCGI
                FcgidWrapper /usr/local/bin/php-wrapper .php
                # Customize the next two directives for your
            requirements. Configurata sopra
                # Order allow,deny
                # Allow from all
            ### fine inserimento FCGI
                ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/
                    <Directory /usr/lib/cgi-bin>
                            AllowOverride None
                            Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews
                            Order allow,deny
                            Allow from all
                    ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
                    # Possible values include: debug, info, notice,
            warn, error, crit,
                    # alert, emerg.
                    LogLevel warn
                    CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
            And finally, the row that contains "data-site-root" and
            "data-locale-root" in source of the page:
            <body data-site-root="http://localhost:7000/"
            data-locale-root="http://localhost:7000/" >
            I tried to manually edit the file "base.html" and to change
            the 'data-site-root' and 'data-locale-root', but did not
            work and I have restored the original version:
            ORIGINAL: <body{% block bodytag %} data-site-root="{{
            h.url('/', locale='default', qualified=true) }}"
            data-locale-root="{{ h.url('/', qualified=true) }}" {%
            endblock %}>
            RESULT: <body data-site-root="http://localhost:7000/"
            data-locale-root="http://localhost:7000/" >
            CHANGED (but now restored): <body{% block bodytag %}
            data-site-root="{{ h.url('/ckan', locale='default',
            qualified=true) }}" data-locale-root="{{ h.url('/ckan',
            qualified=true) }}" {% endblock %}>
            RESULT: <body data-site-root="http://localhost:7000/ckan"
            data-locale-root="http://localhost:7000/ckan" > (do
            not work)
            Note: that "localhost:7000" is only redirection used by
            VirtualBox ( the server CKAN runs, on the virtual machine,
            on port 5000)
            Thanks for your help.
              Il 13/08/2015 16:23, Nigel Babu ha scritto:
                Can you link me to the site? If not, please paste the
                output of
                /api/action/status_show. In your case, it might be
                Can you also view the source of the page and paste the
                <body> tag? I'd
                like to see the values of data-site-root and
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