[ckan-dev] Filtering by group_type

Niall Beard niall.beard at manchester.ac.uk
Wed Feb 4 09:17:35 UTC 2015

Hi Matt,

I'd love to. It's currently tied in with our theming and other stuff here:
So once I sort some bugs out I'll separate it into a nice example extension
of its own and write an accompanying blog article with it.

Niall Beard
Scientific Web Technologist,
myGrid Team,
University of Manchester

On 3 February 2015 at 17:15, Matt Fullerton <matt.fullerton at okfn.de> wrote:

>  Dear Niall,
> It would be great to have this published as an example extension. Do you
> have any plans to publish the code?
> -Matt
> On 3 Feb 2015 15:15, "Niall Beard" <niall.beard at manchester.ac.uk> wrote:
>>  Ah, I'm still on v2.2.1. Updating to v2.3 now filters correctly.
>> That'll teach me for next time - always keep your code up to date!!
>>  Thanks for the answer Ian, much appreciated.
>>   Niall Beard
>>  Scientific Web Technologist,
>> myGrid Team,
>> University of Manchester
>> On 2 February 2015 at 19:59, Ian Ward <ian at excess.org> wrote:
>>> On Mon, Feb 2, 2015 at 1:05 PM, Niall Beard
>>> <niall.beard at manchester.ac.uk> wrote:
>>> > Does anyone have any suggestions how we can filter by group_type at the
>>> > Action level (we don't want to do it at template/controller level), or
>>> > whether this is in the roadmap for CKAN core devs, or whether a pull
>>> request
>>> > would likely be accepted if we commit our time to implementing it?
>>> The current development version of CKAN and upcoming 2.3 allow you to
>>> pass a 'type' parameter to group_list, although that doesn't seem to
>>> be documented.
>>> Absolutely, any pull requests that improve support for multiple group
>>> types are welcome. There's lots to improve in that code.
>>> Ian
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