[ckan-dev] Change Group Name??

Serban Teodorescu teodorescu.serban at gmail.com
Thu Nov 19 14:16:35 UTC 2015


SELECT * from public.group;

Assuming you use public schema.

Pluses: No need to escape double quotes around group if you use it in a

În Joi, 19 nov. 2015 la 15:52, Exversion <marianne at exversion.com> a scris:

> Group is a reserved word in Postgres so to query a table named group you
> must put it in quotes like so:
> SELECT * from "group";
> Same thing if at some point you want to look at the user table for CKAN ;)
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Nov 19, 2015, at 7:11 AM, David <davisoski at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi.
> I need to change the name of one group.
> Following this link:
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18141185/ckan-how-to-restore-a-previously-deleted-group
> It seems group table not exist, but is listed in postgres
> for example:
> *ckan_default=# select * from group;*
> ERROR:  syntax error at or near "group"
> LINE 1: select * from group;
> *ckan_default=# select * from group_extra;*
>  id | group_id | key | value | state | revision_id
> ----+----------+-----+-------+-------+-------------
> (0 rows)
> How can I fix this?
> Thanks
> In postgresql I list all tables:
>  Schema |             Name              | Type  |    Owner
> --------+-------------------------------+-------+--------------
>  public | activity                      | table | ckan_default
>  public | activity_detail               | table | ckan_default
>  public | authorization_group           | table | ckan_default
>  public | authorization_group_role      | table | ckan_default
>  public | authorization_group_user      | table | ckan_default
>  public | dashboard                     | table | ckan_default
>  public | geometry_columns              | table | ckan_default
> * public | group                         | table | ckan_default  public |
> group_extra                   | table | ckan_default  public |
> group_extra_revision          | table | ckan_default  public |
> group_revision                | table | ckan_default  public |
> group_role                    | table | ckan_default*
>  public | member                        | table | ckan_default
>  public | member_revision               | table | ckan_default
>  public | migrate_version               | table | ckan_default
>  public | package                       | table | ckan_default
>  public | package_extra                 | table | ckan_default
>  public | package_extra_revision        | table | ckan_default
>  public | package_relationship          | table | ckan_default
>  public | package_relationship_revision | table | ckan_default
>  public | member_revision               | table | ckan_default
>  public | migrate_version               | table | ckan_default
>  public | package                       | table | ckan_default
>  public | package_extra                 | table | ckan_default
>  public | package_extra_revision        | table | ckan_default
>  public | package_relationship          | table | ckan_default
>  public | package_relationship_revision | table | ckan_default
>  public | package_revision              | table | ckan_default
>  public | package_role                  | table | ckan_default
>  public | package_tag                   | table | ckan_default
>  public | package_tag_revision          | table | ckan_default
>  public | rating                        | table | ckan_default
>  public | related                       | table | ckan_default
>  public | related_dataset               | table | ckan_default
>  public | resource                      | table | ckan_default
>  public | resource_revision             | table | ckan_default
>  public | resource_view                 | table | ckan_default
>  public | revision                      | table | ckan_default
>  public | role_action                   | table | ckan_default
>  public | spatial_ref_sys               | table | ckan_default
>  public | system_info                   | table | ckan_default
>  public | system_info_revision          | table | ckan_default
>  public | system_role                   | table | ckan_default
>  public | tag                           | table | ckan_default
>  public | task_status                   | table | ckan_default
>  public | term_translation              | table | ckan_default
>  public | tracking_raw                  | table | ckan_default
>  public | tracking_summary              | table | ckan_default
>  public | user                          | table | ckan_default
>  public | user_following_dataset        | table | ckan_default
>  public | user_following_group          | table | ckan_default
>  public | user_following_user
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