[ckan-dev] Instances.json

Alan Tygel alantygel at gmail.com
Thu Sep 17 11:28:06 UTC 2015


I was trying to access the API from the CKAN portals listed in
instances.json file, located in

>From the 139 instances, I could only access the <url +
'/api/3/action/tag_list'> from 82 portals. Some portals might be offline,
or using an older version of the API, but looking a little bit closer, I
found out that many portals use different URLs for the website and for the
api, for example:

"http://geothermaldata.org" and "http://search.geothermaldata.org"
"http://data.gov" and "http://catalog.data.gov"

I would like to suggest adding a field at the instances.json file, lets
say, "url-api", so that portal managers can also publish the api access URL.

I have actually already found of this address, and would like to share with
the community.

Shall I submit it to the github?

all the best,

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática - PPGI/UFRJ
EITA - Educação, Informação e Tecnologias para Autogestão
Núcleo de Solidariedade Técnica - Soltec/UFRJ <http://www.soltec.ufrj.br>
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