[ckan-dev] Email Config: SMTPException - SOLVED - Mail on Registration?- SOLVED TOO
lucia.espona at wsl.ch
lucia.espona at wsl.ch
Fri Oct 21 11:38:44 UTC 2016
Dear Pierre
I am not sure what you mean, the whole extension (tested only for CKAN 2.5.2) is available at: https://github.com/espona/ckanext-restricted
To run the code as it is, first you need to have the SMTP and mail settings in the CKAN config ini file (including 'mail_to', otherwise you can specify the address directly in the code), for example:
## Email settings
email_to = envidat at wsl.ch
error_email_from = envidat at wsl.ch
smtp.server = xxxx.wsl.ch
smtp.starttls = False
smtp.user = envidat at wsl.ch
smtp.password = xxxxx
smtp.mail_from = envidat at wsl.ch
Here it is the relevant code in plugin.py (I modified it for display but it should work anyway):
import ckan.plugins as plugins
from ckan.lib.mailer import mail_recipient, MailerException
from ckan.logic.action.create import user_create
from pylons import config
from logging import getLogger
log = getLogger(__name__)
def user_create_and_notify(context, data_dict):
   # Create a nice body message from the user information
   def body_from_user_dict(user_dict):
        body = '\n'
        for key,value in user_dict.items():
            body += ' \t - '+ str(key.upper()) + ': ' + str(value) + '\n'
        return body
   # Call the core default user creation procedure
   user_dict = user_create(context, data_dict)
   # Send your email using ckan.lib.mailer.mail_recipient
       name = 'CKAN System Administrator'
       # Alternatively you can put here another email address
       email = config.get('email_to')
       subject = 'New Registration: ' + user_dict.get('name', 'new user') + ' (' + user_dict.get('email') + ')'
       body = 'A new user registered, please review the information: ' + body_from_user_dict(user_dict)
       log.debug('Mail sent to ' + email + ', subject: ' + subject)
       # Send the mail
       mail_recipient(name, email, subject, body)
   except MailerException as mailer_exception:
       log.error("Cannot send mail after registration ")
   return (user_dict)
class YourPlugin(plugins.SingletonPlugin):
   # IActions
   def get_actions(self):
       return { 'user_create': user_create_and_notify }
Please, let me know if you have further questions.
Dr. Lucia Espona Pernas
Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL
Hauptgebäaude Labortrakt (HL C21)
Zürcherstrasse 111
8903 Birmensdorf
+41 44 739 28 71 phone direct
+41 44 739 21 11 reception
-----"ckan-dev" <ckan-dev-bounces at lists.okfn.org> wrote: -----
To: CKAN Development Discussions <ckan-dev at lists.okfn.org>
From: Forum
Sent by: "ckan-dev"
Date: 19.10.2016 13:50
Subject: Re: [ckan-dev] Email Config: SMTPException - SOLVED - Mail on Registration?- SOLVED TOO
Dear Lucia,
May I ask you to explain what you did, and how to setup your changes?
I am also looking to send a e-mail when a user register, but I did not understand exactetly what do:
I can not find ckanext-restricted folder!
Thank a lot
On 10/17/16 9:23 PM, lucia.espona at wsl.ch wrote:
Thanks Adria
It worked, in case it helps someone else this is the code: https://github.com/espona/ckanext-restricted/blob/master/ckanext/restricted/plugin.py
Dr. Lucia Espona Pernas
Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL
Hauptgebäaude Labortrakt (HL C21)
Zürcherstrasse 111
8903 Birmensdorf
+41 44 739 28 71 phone direct
+41 44 739 21 11 reception
-----"ckan-dev" <ckan-dev-bounces at lists.okfn.org> wrote: -----
To: CKAN Development Discussions <ckan-dev at lists.okfn.org>
From: Adrià Mercader
Sent by: "ckan-dev"
Date: 17.10.2016 12:44
Subject: Re: [ckan-dev] Email Config: SMTPException - SOLVED - Mail on Registration?
Hi LucÃa,
There is nothing built in to send emails after user registration, but
you can override the user_create action, wrapping the core one and
sending the email afterwards. Something like this should get you
from ckan.lib.mailer import mail_recipient, MailerException
class MyPlugin(...):
   def get_actions(self):
     return {'user_create': my_user_create}
def my_user_create(context, data_dict):
ÿÿ ÿuser_dict = core_user_create(context, data_dict)
ÿÿ ÿ# Send your email, check ckan.lib.mailer for params
ÿÿ ÿtry:
ÿÿ ÿ ÿ ÿmail_recipient(name, email, subject, body)
ÿÿ ÿexcept MailerException:
ÿÿ ÿ ÿ ÿlog.error(...)
ÿÿ ÿ ÿ ÿpass
ÿÿ ÿreturn user_dict
Hope this helps,
On 15 October 2016 at 21:55, ÿ<lucia.espona at wsl.ch> wrote:
> Dear all,
> Sorry for the mail, it turned out my SMTP server "really" did not support
> AUTH and I just needed to comment out the user and password in the config:
> ## Email settings
> email_to = envidat at wsl.ch
> error_email_from = envidat at wsl.ch
> smtp.server = xxxxx.wsl.ch
> smtp.starttls = False
> #smtp.user = envidat at wsl.ch
> #smtp.password = xxxxxxx
> smtp.mail_from = envidat at wsl.ch
> I have another question now, how can I get a mail sent to a particular
> address every time a new user registers?
> Thanks,
> Lucia
> _________________________________________________________
> Dr. Lucia Espona Pernas
> Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL
> Hauptgeb„aude Labortrakt (HL C21)
> Zrcherstrasse 111
> 8903 Birmensdorf
> Switzerland
> +41 44 739 28 71 phone direct
> +41 44 739 21 11 reception
> www.wsl.ch
> -----"ckan-dev" <ckan-dev-bounces at lists.okfn.org> wrote: -----
> To: "CKAN Development Discussions" <ckan-dev at lists.okfn.org>
> From: lucia.espona at wsl.ch
> Sent by: "ckan-dev"
> Date: 15.10.2016 22:17
> Subject: [ckan-dev] Email Config: SMTPException(
> Dear all
> I am trying to set up the SMTP server from my institution so that CKAN
> Server can send mails.
> My configuration is following (@ replaced by ' at '):
> ## Email settings
> email_to = envidat at wsl.ch
> error_email_from = envidat at wsl.ch
> smtp.server = xxxxx.wsl.ch
> smtp.starttls = False
> smtp.user = envidat at wsl.ch
> smtp.password = xxxxxxx
> smtp.mail_from = envidat at wsl.ch
> When I try to reset the password (user/reset), it fails to send a mail with
> the following message:
> Could not send reset link: SMTPException('SMTP AUTH extension not supported
> by server.',)
> Further messages in the console:
> 2016-10-15 22:14:13,808 DEBUG [ckan.logic] check access OK - request_reset
> user=
> 2016-10-15 22:14:13,812 DEBUG [ckan.logic] check access OK - user_show user=
> 2016-10-15 22:14:13,831 DEBUG [ckan.lib.activity_streams_session_extension]
> session had no _object_cache or no revision, skipping this commit
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> ÿ File
> "/usr/lib/ckan/default/src/ckan/ckan/lib/activity_streams_session_extension.py",
> line 52, in before_commit
> ÿ ÿ revision = session.revision
> AttributeError: 'Session' object has no attribute 'revision'
> 2016-10-15 22:14:13,842 ERROR [ckan.lib.mailer] SMTPException('SMTP AUTH
> extension not supported by server.',)
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> ÿ File "/usr/lib/ckan/default/src/ckan/ckan/lib/mailer.py", line 80, in
> _mail_recipient
> ÿ ÿ smtp_connection.login(smtp_user, smtp_password)
> ÿ File "/usr/lib/python2.7/smtplib.py", line 585, in login
> ÿ ÿ raise SMTPException("SMTP AUTH extension not supported by server.")
> SMTPException: SMTP AUTH extension not supported by server.
> 2016-10-15 22:14:13,845 DEBUG [ckan.lib.base] rendering
> /usr/lib/ckan/default/src/ckan/ckan/templates/user/request_reset.html
> [jinja2]
> Is this a CKAN configuration issue or is the STMP server of my institution
> not compatible? Any hints will be appreciated.
> Thanks a lot and best regards,
> Lucia
> _________________________________________________________
> Dr. Lucia Espona Pernas
> Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL
> Hauptgeb„aude Labortrakt (HL C21)
> Zrcherstrasse 111
> 8903 Birmensdorf
> Switzerland
> +41 44 739 28 71 phone direct
> +41 44 739 21 11 reception
> www.wsl.ch
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> ckan-dev at lists.okfn.org
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