[ckan-dev] Ckan url + subpath configuration

Adrià Mercader adria.mercader at okfn.org
Mon Apr 3 15:46:38 UTC 2017

Hi Jordi,

I don't have much experience with non-root site myself but there are many
on this list that have as issues around it come up regularly. What problems
are you finding exactly? This might help others provide pointers.

One thing that definitely needs setting up is `ckan.root_path` in your ini


Hope this helps,


2017-04-03 11:33 GMT+01:00 Jordi Piqueras Bautista <jpiqueras at absis.es>:

> Hi,
> I want to configure two instances of ckan. Could someone help me about
> this?
> What I am trying to do is:
> -          http://mysite:8080/ckan1/
> -          http://mysite:8080/ckan2/
> Which would be the necessary configuration steps?
> I’ve done the following:
> 1.       I have 2 apache.wsgi files one per each ckan
> 2.       Apache config file:
> ...
>                 WSGIDaemonProcess ckan1_default display-name=
> ckan1_default processes=2 threads=5
>                 WSGIScriptAlias /ckan1
> /etc/ckan/ckan1_default/apache.wsgi
>                 <Location /ckan1>
>                                WSGIProcessGroup ckan1_default
>                 </Location>
>                 WSGIDaemonProcess ckan2_default display-name=
> ckan2_default processes=2 threads=5
>                 WSGIScriptAlias /ckan2
> /etc/ckan/ckan2_default/apache.wsgi
>                 <Location /ckan2>
>                                WSGIProcessGroup ckan2_default
>                 </Location>
>                 ...
> It doesn’t works as I expected. I guess something is missing.
> Another question: how ckan chould be configured to work by a subdirectory
> path? Links of Ckan are always considering an empty path pointing to i.e.
> http://mysite:8080/organitzations/ instead of http://mysite:8080/ckan1/
> organizations/
> Thanks.
> *Jordi Piqueras*
> Programador Senior
> jpiqueras at absis.es
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