[ckan-dev] DCAT RDF Harvesting errors.

김다솔 kimds0926 at kangwon.ac.kr
Fri Jul 21 01:20:49 UTC 2017

I tried DCAT RDF Harvesting at ckan. General ckan harvesting works well,
but DCAT RDF Harvesting does not seem to add many configuratin feature. How
can I resolve this error and get data from  <https://www.europeandataportal.
eu/> https://www.europeandataportal.eu ??

Received harvest job id: 2ec257d4-6e29-4cc5-8e76-1ac4023b1d65
[ckanext.dcat.harvesters.rdf] In DCATRDFHarvester gather_stage
[ckanext.dcat.harvesters.base] Getting file
<https://www.europeandataportal.eu/> https://www.europeandataportal.eu
[ckanext.harvest.model] The validation service returned an error: 503
[ckanext.harvest.queue] No harvest objects to fetch


I add this configuration in rdf.py and swden_dcat_harvest in my ckan
configuration file.

parser = RDFParser(profiles=['euro_dcat_ap', 'sweden_dcat_ap'])
serializer = RDFSerializer(profiles=['euro_dcat_ap', 'sweden_dcat_ap'])


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