[ckan-dev] How can I inactive CKAN from apache

Forum forum at hello-web.net
Fri May 5 12:12:50 UTC 2017


I installed CKAN some month ago and I do not use it, but I would like to 
keep it.

I would like to use my apache and add some folder and file in /var/www/html/

However, when I type localhost (in my browser) I still have CKAN and not 
the content of /var/www/html/index.html. I can not find how to unactive 
the redirection to CKAN app.

Could you tell my where is the config?

C’est malheureux de s’égarer, mais il y a  pire  que
de perdre son chemin, c’est de ne pas pouvoir être
retrouvé !
*TrackUp!* est un projet dont son but est d’éviter le
pire. Pour plus de détails : http://www.track-up.ch/

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