[ckan-dev] ckanext-spatial harvest transform_to_iso hook

Chris MacDermaid - NOAA Affiliate chris.macdermaid at noaa.gov
Tue May 9 03:23:51 UTC 2017

I'm trying to use the ckanext-spatial transform_to_iso hook to use my own
process to transform FGDC documents to ISO. I created my own CKAN extension
and added the extension to my .ini plugins configuration, but I can't seem
to get the harvest to call my function. I'm not sure what I'm missing.
Below is the the plugin.py from the extension I created.


import ckan.plugins as plugins

import ckan.plugins.toolkit as toolkit

from ckanext.spatial.interfaces import ISpatialHarvester

import logging

class MyPlugin(plugins.SingletonPlugin):


    plugins.implements(ISpatialHarvester, inherit=True)

    # IConfigurer

    def update_config(self, config_):

        toolkit.add_template_directory(config_, 'templates')

        toolkit.add_public_directory(config_, 'public')

        toolkit.add_resource('fanstatic', 'noaa')

    def transform_to_iso(self, original_document, original_format,

        log = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '.my.transform')

        log.debug('My transform to ISO stage for object')

        return None


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