[ckan-dev] security issues

Cam Findlay cam at camfindlay.com
Wed May 31 22:13:57 UTC 2017

Hi Hilde, Steve -

Something you might find of use, we have open sourced our security
enhancements packaged as an extension (after going through a similar
security assessment).


It deals with a number of the issues you raise and a few other things that
were specific to our particular assessment (however we'd be open to pull
requests on this extension if you wanted to say add more configuration
options to turn on/off various features you do/dont want from our plugin).

This was built for 2.5x CKAN and is running on a 2.6.x installation.

CKAN core team might be interested in taking some of these features/code
into the work towards 2.7.x as I'm sure these issues will come up again and
would be good to bake in some of the useful security related features.

Thanks :D


On 1 June 2017 at 05:46, Steven De Costa <steven.decosta at linkdigital.com.au>

> You should stay up to date with patches for the version you are running.
> You need to be on 2.5.4 currently for any security updates since 2.5.1 was
> released.
> On Wed, May 31, 2017 at 11:53 PM <Hildegard.GERLACH at ec.europa.eu> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> for putting a Website (which uses ckan) in production, we had to undergo
>> a security assessment.
>> We are using Ckan 2.5.1, I don’t know if things are different with newer
>> versions.
>> One of the things which was criticized is the administrative interface:
>> weak authentication : does not enforce strong passwords, multiple failed
>> attempts to login are allowed, no automatic logout after inactivity
>> Cross-Site Request Forgery: before performing administrative actions, the
>> application does not check whether HTTP requests were sent from an
>> authorized page (the "Referer" header is not checked and no XSRF token is
>> included)
>> incomplete logout functionality: The application session token remains
>> valid after the user logs out from the application.
>> Are there any improvements going on ?
>> Another thing is the Third Party Service gravatar : the service is
>> provided with the list of all application users and the list of pages
>> they visited
>> Is it possible to disable the icon ?
>> Thanks for your help
>> Hilde
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