[ckan-discuss] ca.ckan.net

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Sun Feb 14 17:48:41 GMT 2010

On 13 February 2010 01:39, Lauren Bacon <lauren at raisedeyebrow.com> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> On ca.ckan.net, the OpenID login (http://ca.ckan.net/login_openid) isn't
> working for me -- I get a 500 internal server error after entering my OpenID
> and clicking the "Log In" button.
> Can you have a look & see if you can replicate/fix?

Fixed. This was the "standard" permissions issue (we've got bitten by
this before!): the openid system we use stores some temporary nonce
information on disk in a directory and the webserver needs write
permission to that directory. This permission was missing.

This is slightly odd since the permission gets set up in our standard
deployment script and I note that David did some editing while logged
a few weeks ago so it must have been fine then. Anyway for whatever
reason the permissions had gone unset but now they are fine and you
should be able to log in without any problems.


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