[ckan-discuss] issues with CKAN translation

Stefano Costa stefano.costa at okfn.org
Wed Jun 9 10:36:16 BST 2010

Hi all,
while translating CKAN to Italian I noticed there are some shortcomings
with strings being too much split, as this introduces some problems with
sentence structure in languages like Italian (and I think several other
languages - I'm curious about Hungarian for example), that differ a lot
from English.

Ideally, one would want to translate longer strings of text that make up
entire sentences rather than small bits that end up in a fixed order.

Example: in the footer, there is "An <Open Knowledge Foundation>

In Italian, I would write "Un progetto della <Open Knowledge
Foundation>" (that's why I left this text in English, btw).

Not the most urgent of problems, but something to take into account.


Stefano Costa

Coordinator, Working Group on Open Data in Archaeology
The Open Knowledge Foundation
http://www.okfn.org ยท http://opendefinition.org/
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