[ckan-discuss] Fwd: European Commission Announces Public Consultation on the PSI Directive

Benjamin Ooghe-Tabanou b.ooghe at gmail.com
Wed Sep 15 16:13:11 BST 2010

Hi everyone,

Just in case some of you didn't get the info, the European Commission
started a public consultation on public sector information

I believe every european organisation among us should probably participate
and have our say!

Benjamin Ooghe-Tabanou for Regards Citoyens

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From: ePSIplatform <no-reply at epsiplatform.eu>
Date: Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 10:20
Subject: European Commission Announces Public Consultation on the PSI
To: Benjamin <booghe at gmail.com>

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  Dear Colleagues,

This autumn brings the start of a series of actions related to the review of
Europe’s PSI Re-use Directive

The first stage is the Europe wide public consultation process on the policy
and legislative framework for the re-use of public sector information and
the opening up of government data for re-use with the European Commission
announcing an online survey.

   - Do you have ideas, information, experience or views on Europe’s current
   Public Sector Information Re-use framework and Directive?
   - Everyone is invited to ‘Have Your Say and Participate’: Citizens,
   Researchers, Open Data Entrepreneurs, Digital Activists, Re-users and PSI
   - Now is the time to express your views, if you think the current
   framework needs to be changed.

*Access Online Survey on the PSI

*The online survey*:

   -  Short - only takes a few minutes to complete
   -  Results will be published online by the European Commission
   -  The consultation is open until the 30 November 2010

*The European Commission
the survey comments:

“9 September 2010 - Today the Commission launched a public
the PSI
All interested parties – public sector bodies, re-users, developers,
researchers and citizens – are invited to participate in the consultation
which includes questions on the PSI re-use context and possible action to
consider, substantive issues regulated by the PSI Directive, practical
measures, changes that have taken place and barriers that still exist, and
other issues. The consultation will feed into the debate on possible policy
options that should be considered for the review, and will contribute to the
impact assessment that will be carried out subsequently, associated with
proposals for possible legislative or other measures.”
*In the European Commission Press
on the consultation entitled: “Digital Agenda: Commission
consults on re-use of public sector data” Commission Vice-President for the
Digital Agenda, Neelie Kroes encourages participation in the consultation
and comments:*

*“Better and more use of public sector information has great potential to
generate new businesses and jobs and to provide consumers with more choice
and more value for money. The mobile apps market, partly based on
PSI-generated data, could grow to € 15 billion by 2013. However, much of
Europe's PSI is insufficiently or even sometimes not exploited. We cannot
lose out on this opportunity. We need to consider whether and how the EU
rules on re-use of PSI should be amended to fully unlock PSI's economic

*Background Information from the Press Release (Excerpt)*

“A revision of the PSI Directive is one of the key actions of the Digital
Agenda for Europe Digital Agenda for
In its policy strategy, the Commission highlighted that governments can
stimulate content markets by making public sector information available on
transparent, effective and non-discriminatory terms. This is an important
source of potential growth of innovative on-line services.

In 2009, the Commission
way in which EU PSI rules were being applied, which confirmed that
PSI-re use has been on the rise and that Member States and public sector
bodies have taken measures to facilitate this. The 2003 Directive had a
positive impact in several fields such as geographical and meteorological
sectors. However, the Commission also warned that to realise the full
potential of PSI for the EU economy, EU Member States must remove remaining
barriers to re-use. These include discrimination between potential users,
excessive charges for public sector information re-use and complex licensing
policies. It also pointed to practical problems such as lack of awareness of
what public sector information is available, and public sector bodies
failing to realise the economic potential of their data.

The Commission concluded that the 2003 Directive in its present form has not
yet achieved its full impact and decided to run a further review at the
latest in 2012, when more evidence on the impact, effects and application of
EU rules on public sector information will be available. This review is one
the Key Actions of the Digital Agenda for Europe. The results of the
consultation will feed into the review.”

   - Related News Story published by the ePSIplatform: European Commission
   Launches Digital Agenda: Consultation on PSI Policy and
   - Follow the European Commission Unit responsible for policy framework on
   the re-use of Public Sector Information... or open data policy
   - Please pass this message about the survey on to your colleagues and

Kind Regards,

Robert Davies
Co-ordinator, ePSIplatform
Follow us on Twitter @ePSIplatform


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European PSI Platform

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