[ckan-discuss] Missing resources in CKAN RDF?

William Waites ww at styx.org
Fri Apr 1 10:33:19 BST 2011

] I can see no trace of that resource record. Can you shed any light on this?

Yes, or rather no... What I mean is, it appears in the new version
that doesn't try to interpret any of the voiD stuff:


I will probably arrange to migrate semantic.ckan.net to that
sometime in the very near future, but will also require a
slight change to ckan (link to the rdf by package id not 

But there's another thing that isn't entirely satisfactory.
This one directly maps resources to dcat:distributions which
is the intended meaning of resource. But I think you stretch
that meaning by putting sparql endpoints and void descriptions
and example resources in there - not that I blame you, there's
no other logical place to put this information. To me it
seems funny to say 

   :pkg dcat:distribution [ dcat:accessURL <void.ttl> ].

I really am not sure what else can be done at the ckan level,
unless we go back to the giant-list-of-special-cases-depending-
on-extras-or-format approach which is worse, I think.



William Waites                <mailto:ww at styx.org>
http://river.styx.org/ww/        <sip:ww at styx.org>
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