[ckan-discuss] Confusion regarding the use of provenance vocabulary for the CKAN metadata

William Waites ww at styx.org
Fri Apr 1 13:44:31 BST 2011

* [2011-04-01 13:04:26 +0100] Monika Solanki <monika.solanki at gmail.com> écrit:

] From what I read in the Open Provenance Model Vocabulary Specification at
] http://open-biomed.sourceforge.net/opmv/ns.html,
] it says  "... For the moment, we would recommend users to use the 
] Provenance Vocabulary for describing provenance of the Web of Data. ". 
] This Provenance vocabulary is the one available at,

Depending on how one understands the term "Web of Data", CKAN includes
datasets "beyond" it. It certainly includes non-semweb data. It may
include data that is not directly accessible (i.e. behind a "register
to download" page or the like). At the very least some of the more
granular terms, indended for describing the provenance of individual
data items are not applicable to most of the datasets on CKAN, even
the semweb ones (where what exactly a data item is might not be clearly

OPMV is also simpler than PRV for the basic case, and it is not
incompatible with PRV, they can be used together if it is warranted.

Might it make sense to revisit this choice, given that it was made well
before the provenance IG finished its work and well before the current
version of either of those vocabularies? Quite possibly. Is it 
inappropriate to use OPMV in this way? I don't think so.


William Waites                <mailto:ww at styx.org>
http://river.styx.org/ww/        <sip:ww at styx.org>
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