[ckan-discuss] Spam groups on the Data Hub

David Read david.read at okfn.org
Wed Dec 7 14:58:59 GMT 2011

On 7 December 2011 13:35, Richard Cyganiak <richard at cyganiak.de> wrote:
> On 7 Dec 2011, at 12:37, David Read wrote:
>>> http://thedatahub.org/group/boxing
>>> http://thedatahub.org/group/cool-gadget
>> These need to be deleted by the author or a sysadmin. Your old account
>> is sysadmin, so I've also added your new one.
> Ah, I forgot about the old account. Thanks!
>> I've deleted the
>> cool-gadget. Can you test it out by deleting boxing?
>> As with packages, you edit it and change the state to 'deleted'.
> Hm, it's a bit strange. I can now edit the group and see the “state” dropdown, but changing it to “deleted” and saving seems to have no effect. Changes to other fields are saved, but this one seems to be ignored.
> I tried fiddling with the authorization fields, and gave myself admin rights for this dataset, but still no effect when setting state to deleted.
> Any idea what's going on?

Yes, a sysadmin account can still 'see' 'deleted' packages - see
http://trac.ckan.org/ticket/1283 which is aimed at making this
clearer. You could fire up another browser or go into 'private
browsing' mode (so as you're not logged in) and confirm it has gone
for other users.


> Richard

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