[ckan-discuss] Source code?

David Read david.read at okfn.org
Sun Dec 11 14:22:48 GMT 2011

On 11 December 2011 12:29, Pascal Heus <pascal.heus at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi:
> was just on the CKAN developer page and following the link below to get

Yes, we've recently moved to Github. Which page was it exactly that
sent you to bitbucket? I thought we'd changed all the references, such
as this one:
e.g. http://wiki.ckan.org/w/index.php?title=Becoming_a_CKAN_Developer

> access to the source code but the repository seem to have been deleted
> https://bitbucket.org/okfn/ckan

 If you go to the old Bitbucket URL that you mention, you'll be
directed to the new one:

"Our apologies, but the repository, ckan has been deleted.
It now lives at https://github.com/okfn/ckan "

I hope that helps,


> Where can the package be downloaded?
> thanks
> *P

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