[ckan-discuss] Drupal modules

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Fri Jul 8 17:23:40 BST 2011

Hi Lin (and others interested),

As Colin indicated we're currently working very actively on Drupal
stuff in collaboration with data.gov.uk. I've also just stubbed a page
on the wiki that I hope we will flesh out rapidly over the next week
or so.



On 8 July 2011 17:15, Lin Clark <lin.w.clark at gmail.com> wrote:
> Good to hear that you're working on getting the module on drupal.org, that
> is really the best way to find co-developers. I'd recommend getting it up
> even if it isn't in it's optimal state and just making clear that it is a
> dev release and that it isn't ready for production sites yet, the known
> limitations, etc.
> One recent development on drupal.org is that you can post it as a sandbox on
> Drupal.org, even without getting approved for full project access (although
> it looks like you may have full project access already). This allows the
> code to be downloaded from Git and allows for people to post issues and
> feature requests.
> -Lin
> On Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 4:53 PM, Colin Calnan <colin at raisedeyebrow.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> when developing http://datadotgc.ca I built a robust Drupal-CKAN
>> integration module with the help of Sean Burlington from data.gov.uk and the
>> guys at CKAN. It hasn't been released but it's definitely something that
>> could be.. I'd be willing to try to get this module submitted or collaborate
>> with the author of the existing Drupal module to get a working v1.0 up and
>> available for download.
>> The module was built to work with V1 of the API on a customized version of
>> CKAN. It had some modifications made to work with V2, but would have to be
>> further modified to make it more generic. It will also need a Drupal 7
>> branch.
>> You can find out more about the project here
>> I'll also get myself into those Drupal groups and see if anyone is
>> interested in helping.
>> Lin, if you want to point some of the excited people in my direction I'm
>> sure I can help them get started. The blog post above is also a great place
>> to start.
>> I've also developed and released an OGDI module that uses creates a CCK
>> field to pull in data and mapping information from a Microsoft OGDI data
>> instance
>> The module is available at http://drupal.org/project/ogdi_field
>> Colin.
>> On 2011-07-08, at 5:14 AM, Lin Clark wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Just noticed the discussion on the list... I was wondering, is there any
>> central coordination of the efforts that CKAN is putting into Drupal?
>> I ask because there is a module that says it "is the only CKAN-endorsed
>> Drupal module." It is still a sandbox project, not a full project.
>> http://drupal.org/sandbox/very_random_man/1088910
>> However, two other modules were recently posted as well which say they are
>> official. One of them is a full project, the other is a sandbox (without
>> code).
>> http://drupal.org/project/ckan
>> http://drupal.org/sandbox/carinadigital/1210486
>> It is great to have all these projects, but right now there isn't a clear
>> way to interact with the projects.
>> If there is a plan, it might be worth posting a message to the relevant
>> groups on http://groups.drupal.org. This will help you find other
>> contributors, many of whom have extensive experience with the Drupal APIs (I
>> personally would be happy to be an early user and post/review patches). It
>> will also make clear to the community what functionality they have access to
>> at this point and what they can get excited about for the future.
>> http://groups.drupal.org/opendata-working-group
>> http://groups.drupal.org/semantic-web
>> If you need help figuring out good ways to engage the Drupal community,
>> I'd be happy to be part of a discussion. I know a number of people are quite
>> excited for this integration, so I think it could get community support.
>> Best,
>> Lin
>> --
>> Lin Clark
>> DERI, NUI Galway
>> lin-clark.com
>> twitter.com/linclark
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>> Colin Calnan | Senior Developer
>> Raised Eyebrow Web Studio
>> www.raisedeyebrow.com
>> T. 604.684.2498, ext. 5 | E. colin at raisedeyebrow.com
>> UFCW Local 1518
> --
> Lin Clark
> DERI, NUI Galway
> lin-clark.com
> twitter.com/linclark
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> ckan-discuss at lists.okfn.org
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