[ckan-discuss] ckan import

Lucy Chambers lucy.chambers at okfn.org
Mon May 23 09:17:28 BST 2011

Hi Sam,

Cc'ing CKAN-discuss. They will be able to give you a good answer and
then it will benefit anyone on the list who is wondering the same

Lovely to meet you too!


On Sun, May 22, 2011 at 4:39 PM, Sam Smith <S at msmith.net> wrote:
> is there an format that CKAN can be given metadata in, which it will
> use to populate a CKAN entry.... ?
> lovely to see you both yesterday
> Cheers
> Sam
> --
> The race for quality has no finish line - so technically,
> it's a death march.

Lucy Chambers
Community Coordinator
Open Knowledge Foundation
Skype: lucyfediachambers

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