[ckan-discuss] Translators needed!

Augusto Herrmann augusto.herrmann at gmail.com
Mon Oct 3 01:17:07 BST 2011


A Brazilian Portuguese translation sprint for the .5 version of CKAN
is underway at this very moment. Nitai and me from the Brazilian
Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management are working on it. The 1.4
branch was at 98% and we got it to 100% as well.

Shameless plug: just last friday we undertook a sprint for the CKAN
theme customization for the (alpha) Brazilian Open Data Portal.
Participation on the sprints is open to anyone who would want to join!
A quick report and photos here:

Result of the CKAN theming: http://alpha.dados.gov.br/dados/
Code and repository: http://dev.dados.gov.br/codigo/dev/tema-ckan/summary

PS: David, when we are finished with the translation, perhaps we could
upgrade de http://br.ckan.net community instance as well?

Augusto Herrmann

2011/10/2 AdriĆ  Mercader <amercadero at gmail.com>:
> The Catalan translation has also been updated
> AdriĆ 
> On 2 October 2011 16:43, alexey medvetsky <a.medvetsky at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Done with the Russian translation. Will appreciate to work with it
>> online for some time to polish it.
>> Cheers,
>> Alexey.
>> On 02/10/2011, Irina Bolychevsky <irina.bolychevsky at okfn.org> wrote:
>>> Sounds great! Thank you Alexey, much appreciated :)
>>> On 1 October 2011 19:47, alexey medvetsky <a.medvetsky at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> just want let you know I'll be working on the Russian translation tomorrow
>>>> afternoon.
>>>> I'm also confused abt which version to choose cuz we have both 1.4 and 1.5
>>>> here https://www.transifex.net/projects/p/ckan/team/ru/. I guess it 1.5,
>>>> right? I fo could anyone drop the other one, pls?
>>>> See you around,
>>>> Alexey.
>>>> CKAN has a much improved UI now, which is great, but on the down-side all
>>>> the new bits of text are missing language translations. thedata.hub.org is
>>>> used for open data across the world and whilst it is 92% translated into
>>>> German and Czech, it's only about 50% for Italian and Dutch, 40% for
>>>> Spanish
>>>> and as low as 25% for French. We'd love to see a Polish translation
>>>> started,
>>>> since it's so popular in Europe, and no-one has volunteered Mandarin
>>>> yet...!
>>>> So if you do speak another language, please help spread the international
>>>> message of open data by translating CKAN!
>>>> How it works:
>>>> 1. See how complete (or not!) your language is
>>>> here: http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/ckan/resource/1-5/
>>>> 2. Sign up to the translation site
>>>> Transifex: http://www.transifex.net/accounts/login/?next=/projects/p/ckan/resource/1-5/
>>>> 3. Apply to join one of the CKAN translation teams - there is one per
>>>> language. You'll have to wait to be approved by me or another admin, I'm
>>>> afraid, but it won't be long!
>>>> 4. Translate the CKAN strings in Transifex (there are about 470 strings,
>>>> but
>>>> many are just one word)
>>>> 5. I'll update thedatahub.org with the new translation and any other CKAN
>>>> sites that want the update too.
>>>> David
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>>> --
>>> Irina Bolychevsky
>>> CKAN Product Owner
>>> The Open Knowledge Foundation
>>> http://thedatahub.org/
>>> http://www.okfn.org
>>> Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/shevski
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