[ckan-discuss] Article about DGU

Mark Wainwright mark.wainwright at okfn.org
Wed Aug 1 16:13:36 BST 2012

> I think data quality and the value of the data that get released is still an
> issue.

I agree, and I think this is partly about publisher workflow.

One problem I've noticed is that sometimes when searching for data you
find a data series that only ran for a couple of years, or different
years are catalogued in different places or have inconsistent names,
etc, making it harder to find what you want (if it is there).

I don't know whether there are things CKAN could do at the publishing
end to help with consistency and data quality, or indeed other things,
but I'd be very interested in any views on this. There was a vague
suggestion a while back to have an online meetup on workflow - would
anyone be interested in this?

On the subject of online meetups, don't forget the one tomorrow on sci
data if you're interested -


Mark Wainwright, CKAN Community Co-ordinator
Open Knowledge Foundation http://okfn.org/
CKAN on Twitter: @CKANproject

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