[ckan-discuss] New 'Features' pages

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Fri Feb 3 12:45:20 GMT 2012

On 3 February 2012 12:18, Mark Wainwright <mark.wainwright at okfn.org> wrote:
> Dear all,
> Good news - I have restructured and rewritten the previously rather
> scrappy 'Features' pages on ckan.org: <http://ckan.org/features/>.

Great work Mark. I think, at least for the overview page, we may to
start group in some way under 'big topics'  as there is rather too
much to take in at once. e.g.:

* Publish and find Datasets: Publish, Search, Metadata (perhaps
renamed to dataset information?)
  * Is history worth its own section or should be in this page
* Visualize and analyze: visualization, previewing, QA, Stats
* Geospatial
* Store and manage data: data store, blog storage, data API
* Customize and Extend - theming, plugin architecture, API, open-source
* Community and Federation (maybe don't go together).


> Of course, the product is (happily!) a moving target so these pages
> will always be a work in progress. I intend to get a few more
> screenshots, and hopefully at some point our splendid new designer
> will have a chance to spruce them up, too. But meantime any comments
> or suggestions on the content will be welcome.

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