[ckan-discuss] Topic list (vocabulary/valuelist) for classifying datasets .
Pablo Mendes
pablomendes at gmail.com
Wed Jun 20 12:02:17 BST 2012
I would say all or any of the above, depending on who tags it. But like you
said, it is a different discussion.
On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 12:58 PM, Plantinga, Edo <
Edo.Plantinga at koop.wmrijk.nl> wrote:
> **
> Hi Pablo,
> You are right, I was just looking for a gov specific topic list, I should
> have been more specific about that.
> My gut feeling is that finding a limited and meaningful topic list to
> include datasets outside of the gov domain would be neigh on impossible,
> since that would pretty much mean classifying Everything (I imagine that
> there are many datasets that are not newsworthy, but still useful). Other
> than that, the IPTC topic list is often linked to target audiences, which I
> find is difficult in the context of datasets: is a dataset with locations
> of park benches aimed at people that want to walk outdoors (Leisure?), park
> bench maintenance crews and their competition (Business?) or fitness
> enthousiast that want to use them in their excercises (Sports?) or .... Anyway,
> that is a different discussion I suppose. For now I myself will be
> focussing on gov data, which for me is complicated enough.
> Regards,
> Edo
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