[ckan-discuss] Notes from metadata meetup / next meetup on Groups
Mark Wainwright
mark.wainwright at okfn.org
Tue Mar 27 19:00:56 BST 2012
Below are the notes from the recent CKAN online meetup on Metadata
Standards, taken from the etherpad: <
Remember that there is a meetup on CKAN groups / Organizations scheduled
for this Thursday (5pm UK time / 6pm Central Europe / 1600 UTC). See the
announcement at <http://ckan.org/2012/03/26/groups-meetup/>. If you are
interested in attending, sign up on the etherpad: <
Mark Wainwright
*Community meetup: Catalogue metadata standards, Mar 15th 2012*
There is a skeleton wiki page at http://wiki.ckan.org/Metadata_Standards (feel
free to edit it).
[Edo Plantinga (data.overheid.nl):] Also see
http://wiki.ckan.org/Data_Formats. Referrals needed?
Skype host: Mark Wainwright (m.wainwright) - CKAN Community Co-ordinator
James Gardner (mic problems - so mainly just listening)
Richard Cyganiak (richard.cyganiak) - Researcher at DERI - dcat, Linked
Data, etc
Adrià Mercader (adria.mercader) - CKAN development - harvesting & federation
Thomas Schandl (comfycat) - Semantic Web co - colleague of Martin
Ludovic Coullet (lcoullet.ebiz) - Working in a Drupal web agency with some
open data projects linked to Ckan (with Pascal Romain)
Pascal Romain (keronos)
Chris Musialek (chris.musialek)
Brief intro from participants (name, organization, interest).
Topics of interest - see below.
*Topic list*
Please add any topics you'd like to talk/hear/ask about!
Write your name under any topics that you are interested in.
*Experience with publicdata.eu*
- http://publicdata.eu/ an experiment as part of the LOD2 project
- federates catalogues from across Europe
- ~13k datasets
- most harvested from other CKAN instances from around Europe
- harvesting mechanism relies on CKAN API
- tried to harvest from other data catalogs too
- many data catalogs don't have APIs, so often we screenscrape
- screenscrapers fail often due to changes to the sites
- so we are successful on the datasets that have stable APIs, but not so
much on other catalogs
- Example RDF output: http://publicdata.eu/rdf/package/abandoned-vehicles
*Controlled vocabularies in CKAN*
- LOD2 project could add controlled vocabularies to CKAN
- This is actually already work in progress (for EC data portal)
- Possibly available in next release
- directive from EU on publishing geospatial data
- Inspire has a “catalog service” based on the CSW standard and ISO
19193 standard
*Status report on DCAT*
- DCAT is a proposed interoperability standard for data catalogues
- A metadata model (doesn't define the API at present)
- RDF based
- Started with DERI, moved to W3C
- http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/Data_Catalog_Vocabulary
- http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/gld/raw-file/default/dcat/index.html
- http://www.w3.org/TR/dcat/ (future permanent URL)
- Close to getting a permanent public status
- Not guaranteed stable, but won't change too much as things already
built on it
- ADMS: http://joinup.ec.europa.eu/asset/adms/description (an extension
of DCAT)
- DCAT-based harvesting mechanism from the Edinburgh workshop:
- If people implement it & feedback to the WG it would help it along
- Is the controlled vocabularies management going to evolve in DCAT? Or
do we just need to include skos elements in our implementation of it?
- It just uses SKOS, so that should be fine. This won't change.
- If I understood it right the thesaurus is defined at the catalogue
level and the terms of indexation at the dataset level ?
- Thesaurus (= skos:ConceptScheme) is defined at catalog level, but can
be re-used from somewhere else (existing thesauri)
- themeTaxonomy is used to define the skosConceptScheme ?
- It's the attribute of the catalog that points to the skos:ConceptScheme
- dcat:theme is used to define the the Skos:concept used?
- It's the attribute of the dataset that points to the skos:Concept ok
- So we can use several controlled voc in the same dcat file (example
eurovoc and Inspire)
- Yes!
*Push notifications*
Any specs for these, eg realtime changes being synced between instances?
- XMPP (a.k.a. Jabber)?
- James: Would be good to link that up with some of the CKAN API in the
*Use cases for metadata standards*
- W3C draft document:
- Send comments to the working group!
*C**KAN** connector for Drupal 7*
- This topic was added by Ludovic, who had to leave early, so it was not
discussed. Feel free to send questions to the ckan-dev list (
ckan-dev at lists.okfn.org).
Mark Wainwright, CKAN Community Co-ordinator
Open Knowledge Foundation http://okfn.org/
Skype: m.wainwright
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